Is it possible for a user to dynamically filter posts from Query Loop?

  • I am hoping to add the ability for users to select filters from a series of checkboxes to dynamically filter posts based on post taxonomies within a Query Loop block. Is there a relatively straightforward way to accomplish this?

  • Hi @kcommfridgeadmin! The query loop block doesn’t have any dynamic filtering built in, but I’m sure it’s possible through a plugin (or possibly a custom plugin if one isn’t available yet.)

    There are also a number of filtering plugins available. I’m not sure exactly how they integrate with the query loop block, so that may require some legwork, but again, just about anything’s possible given how extendable the system is:

    Also, will you be adding this to the site you have hosted here? Our service includes SSL hosting, direct WordPress support, spam protection, backups, maintenance, security, and other services and features that don’t come with the free software. Basically, as a service, we’ll have your back in ways that the free software itself cannot. Extra code like plugins and outside themes can complicate the service we’re offering, so we require the Business Plan for plugin installation.

    Or, you are welcome to use your own free copy of WordPress with another host, and use community resources or hired contractors if you don’t have time to take care of security, spam filtering, backups, support, and maintenance yourself.

    Let us know if you have questions!

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