Insert Script

  • Hi there

    I know that it is not allowed to put in scripts…

    But can’t there be made exceptions to that rule?

    For instance the link-script from

    Since today, I took over a photomeme which goes around the world. Formerly hosted on a blog

    I need to use that script on a weekly basis… and using it now leads to an external page on which one can add his link and view all other links from other participants.

    I would love to see those links in the blogpost itself, instead of on that external page…

    I do understand why has decides to ban scripts but I do believe also that some scripts should be on a ‘safe-list’.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy melodysteenkamp!
    As you are aware that does not allow Scripts in the basic two plans, but now there are Plugins
    allowed for Business Plan users.
    From doing a bit of research, there are lot of Plugins available where you can place the script within than embedding in the software,
    have a look at this search result
    I looked into the first plugin itself Ez Inlinkz which allows you to place the scripts directly.
    Here is the link to the Plugin from the repository
    This could be helpful.
    You can try it with the Business Plan.
    Also, You get <a href=”
    “>Live Chat Support too with the Plan to help you personally.
    Hope this helps, let us know for any further questions..!

  • Hi Pavanraheja

    I know… have a blog of my own for many years selfhosted ;-)

    This other blog… I took over as of today… is on because I don’t want to (can not either) pay for it. To use plugins I need to have a selfhosted blod and that is not an option because I can not have the obligation to pay for 2 selfhosted blogs.

    Like I wrote.. I can understand why wp has some restrictions but I do think that it should be possible also for some scripts to use if one blogs on

  • Hi Again!
    Wonderful to hear your already aware, Self-Hosted would be the option then.
    As of now, there is no other option, only the Business Plan is a solution for your requirement within
    Maybe in the future, as your suggestion says some scripts should be in the ‘Safe Scripts’, you can put it up in the ideas forum

    Let us know for anything else..!
    Best Wishes..! :)

  • Thank you Pavanraheja… I will enter that idea !

    Thanks also for your kind wishes, wishing you the same!!

  • Are you aware of why scripts are not allowed? WordPress.COM is a multiuser blogging platform. Unlike wordpress.ORG software installs on paid hosting which are stand alone sites, our wordpress.COM sites share an common underlying architecture so blogger inserted scripts are a security risk. If you enter a dodgy script on a stand alone wordpress.ORG install then only your site goes down. If any of us could enter scripts on a wordpress.COM hosted site then many sites could go down in the event of the script being dodgy.

    Blogs are served from {name} The WordPress cookie is delivered to any site that ends in or is on a custom domain mapped from a wordpress.COM site. Any Javascript on the page is legitimately allowed to look up cookies that would be sent to the domain it’s served from.

    This means that if you can run Javascript on a hosted WordPress page, you can retrieve the login cookie from another WordPress user, and then pass it to an external site. (Generally by creating an image reference that includes the encoded login cookie.)

    This is just a basic part of the underlying technology of the web browser, and it’s required for sites like gmail, Yahoo!, and others to operate.

    There are ways a site can avoid this problem (generally by constantly changing the login cookie data with EVERY response, and invalidating the old ones immediately), but they require more horsepower on the backend than the blogging sites are really able to provide, and there’s still usually a small window of opportunity.

    This is why Livejournal, WordPress, and most other hosted sites disallow Javascript on their pages.

  • Thank you Timethief…

    In my first post I already wrote that I understand why …..

    I only suggested that it would be nice if there were to be created a ‘safe-list’ …. I imagine the technology to be advanced enough that can allow / forbid certain scripts … maybe I am wrong about that, if so then I am sorry

  • Okay then. I just wanted to confirm. Best wishes.

  • @timethief: Thank you for the details further, I already thought @melodysteenkamp must be aware as, he is using a Self Hosted WordPress site from a long time :). Hope you doing good.
    Best Wishes! :)

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