Infinite Scroll / Load more, both not working

  • Hi!

    Lately, neither infinite scrolling nor clicking the button ‘load more posts’ if infinite scrolling is deactivated works when viewing my blog with Firefox 23.0.1 or IE 10.0.9200 using a Windows 7 computer.

    What happens that – in both cases – I see the ‘load wheel’ for a millisecond, then it disappears and nothing happens.

    I’m able to reach older posts by typing their direct adresses, but visitors to my blog don’t know those … Actually, they DON’T know there are older posts because those are not loaded.

    Anyone experienced the same?

  • I had a similar experience earlier today where I’d scrolled down to page 3 in my site, but then couldn’t scroll back up. I was using Chrome 29 on Win7.

    I’ve tagged this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to the thread from the sidebar so that you will see their reply.

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  • Hi there,

    I just checked Firefox 23, Chrome 29, and IE 10 on Windows 7. I was able to scroll down multiple pages and scroll back up without any problems — all of the posts loaded as expected both with and without infinite scroll enabled.

    Are you still having trouble with this? If so, please try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies and making sure that Javascript is enabled in your browser. If that doesn’t resolve it for you, let me know and I can investigate this further!

  • Sorry for replying that late, lots of work to do … Problem is in fact solved, as it turned out, it was related to Firewall issues within our company … o.O

    So, everything’s just fine. Thanks for your support, Rachel!

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