indent / tab key

  • How can I get things vertically under each other in one line? I want to put dates and names in a row like this:

    500-1000 blah blah

    1500-1600 yaddah yaddah

    1950- boo boo

    And then “blah” “yaddah” and “boo” in one line under each other. I tried several solutions from the forum, using indent and all, but that only puts the blah-yaddah-booh in a new line. I want the date NOT indented, just the text.

    How can I do it? Like using the tab key in MS Word.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You could do it if you can write a table. Otherwise, I don’t know how you’d do that.

  • There may be other ways, but try this:

    <span style="padding-left: 30px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</span>
    <span style="padding-left: 30px;">Nulla congue sem ac dolor. Phasellus mollis vestibulum eros. Sed massa diam,</span>
    <span style="padding-left: 30px;">Nullam eu enim a arcu aliquam fermentum.</span>
    <span style="padding-left: 30px;">Aenean ut nisl. Pellentesque facilisis orci sit amet ante.</span>

    Note: the text between the start span (<span) and end span (</span) must be short enough to fit in one line of your theme otherwise it will wrap unindented, like a paragraph indent.

  • @raincoaster: I was afraid of that. I know how to do it (the Internet’s great, a google search on “html code” and “table” works miracles) and I did it once before, but it’s a massive amount of work. But:

    @1tess: It worked!!! I thought I had tried this before, but I must have done something wrong, because it kept going to the next line as a paragraph. This time it really worked. Thanks so much for the clear explanantion and the code. You’re the best!

  • You are most welcome.

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