Inconsistent font sizing with Grid Focus Theme

  • Hello,

    I recently renewed my subscription to custom CSS and something odd happened to the font sizes. Everything is as it should be on the blog but the pages have suddenly large font sizes. This applies to the nav, sidebar and content on the pages as well. Compare this page to the and you’ll see the difference. I can’t figure what could have caused this and what measures to take in order to address it. I’ve had this template with the same CSS running for three years and this has never happened before.

    Any assistance would be most appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I just checked and the font sizes look normal to me. I double checked the Grid Focus theme and there haven’t been any updates to it for several weeks. Next I checked your Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page and I found you had made some edits. It looks like your issue may have been caused by some stray custom CSS from the past and you were able to solve the issue on your own. Sorry I didn’t see your help request sooner! If you need additional help, please reply back.


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