Importing media files

  • I am unable to find help with combining media from both of my wordpress sites into just one…. VERY frustrated..

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The method suggested in the response by coffeemanmatt in the forum topic How can I transfer my media library from one wp blog to another? would involve exporting and importing posts or pages with images attached to them, if that suits your case.

    However, transferring images in the media library of one site to that of another is not presently possible, according to Happiness Engineer shawnajroberts, in the forum topic How can I transfer the images in the media library?

  • Bookmarked that, thanks!

  • You’re welcome, jj. I should clarify that the method suggested by coffeemanmatt would apparently result in media files from one site being copied into a second site, as long as the images are attached to either posts or pages. That is, if it works; I haven’t tested it.

  • OK-that raises other questions about unattached images used in Galleries and/or inserted as individual images, but I understood the answer you and coffeematt gave. :)

  • @ justjennifer,

    The clarification wasn’t really meant for you. : ) I wanted to point to the fact that the result of doing as suggested by coffeemanmatt seems to contradict what is said by the Happiness Engineer in the second topic I cited, unless we interpret what Shawna said in the latter to mean that you can’t selectively transfer only images in one media library of a site to another.

    Other points to consider:
    If coffeemanmatt is correct regarding the necessity of images being attached, this requirement might apply solely to cases in which selective export of posts and/or pages only is chosen. Does it apply cases in which “all content” is exported? In other words, if some or none of the images in the media library on one site are attached, is it possible to duplicate the media library on a second site by exporting all content, and importing it to the other?

    In my experience I was able to reproduce entire media libraries by exporting all content from site one, and importing all content to site two. However, I haven’t done so in several years and don’t know that it’s still possible. While it was my habit to attach all images used in pages and posts to those pages and posts, I don’t know that this was a necessary condition, or whether it is now. I think that header images were also imported to the new site when exporting and importing “all content,” and these are not attached, though they are specially labeled “Header Image” in the media library.

  • Clarification meant for me, possibly.. Thx for the help doc ;)

  • @ pdthomp,
    You’re welcome : )

    Clarification meant for me, possibly…

    Yes, for you, and for anyone interested, including justjennifer and timethief. Thanks guys.

    However, my “clarification” muddies the water by raising more questions. If I decide to run some tests I’ll report the results back here.

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