Import successful but where?

  • Hi–I am in the process of trying to move my group blog from a self-hosted site to I received a notice that the import was successful, but I cannot find the posts anywhere. The categories have been imported and show 0 posts, as have the tags and the media, but I cannot find the posts.

    I never would have done this this weekend if I’d known support was limited, but there is no turning back now.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Is the site you created the XML export file from still online? If so post the URL here.

    Did you remove all unapproved comments, spam and advertising before you made the XML export file?

    Sometimes the importer gets stuck. If the file is large you may have to import Posts, Pages, etc. in separate files. Or if the file is very large Staff may have to do the import.

    I tagged this thread with modlook for Staff help for you. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Please subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Thank you for your quick response. Yes it is a large file and I did not remove that stuff, (though we have no advertising and the rest of the content you mention is a small percentage.)

    I take it from what you wrote that I should be seeing everything. I am seeing everything (I think) except posts and comments.

    Do you recommend I try to import those separately or sit tight and wait for help?

  • Oh–sorry I meant to give you the original link.

  • On more careful examination it looks like only some of the media is there.

  • Hi again,

    Thanks for the updates. Please be patient while waiting for Staff assistance.

    P.S. If the missing media was not uploaded into the site but was media hosted on other sites that you linked to it will not be in your media library.

  • Hi there,

    It looks like one of the files you imported is far over our 15MB limit, and the other one is also close to that limit. That could cause the import to stall, or just to silently fail.

    First, go through the media library and make sure all the images are attached to posts. You can check that in the list view in the library in WP-Admin.

    Then do a new export. If the file(s) are more than 15MB, use an XML splitter app to split it in smaller pieces and import those.

    If that doesn’t work, try exporting only posts for a few months at a time, but the chance of all media files being imported is better in the case of a full export. Let me know if nothing you try works.

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