Import from self-hosted to Media Library OK. URLs not.

  • I’m glad all the images in the library came over however the urls in the posts did not change. I considered doing a find and replace on the XML file and re-importing. However since adds yyyy/mo/ folders to the URL this is not as straightforward as I had hoped (I had set the self-hosted source to not use folders.)

    Typ. URL Diff:

    There’s got to be a better way than weeding through each post and correcting the URL.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hmm, it looks like that might have something to do with the media linking to WPEngine’s domain instead of your direct domain name. I’m seeing images like

    The import should bring the images over and adjust these to point to the correct place in your new media folder. Did all the images come over correctly?

    I think that staff can manually fix this, if so, so I’m additionally tagging this with modlook for you.

  • Hi there,

    We in fact don’t currently have a way to fix this manually.

    This typically happens if the referenced images are in the source site’s media library, but they are not actually attached to the posts. Can you please go through your media library and check for unattached images – there should be a filter in the media library to see those images. Attach them to posts, and then try running the import again. If you want me to empty the content you already imported to the site before you do this, please confirm, as that process cannot be reversed.

  • Thank you all for you replies. I have taken down the source site. But have backed it up. I may yet go through and attach images that are not attached to their posts – It seems a few were – but taking down the source site will surely make it apparent.

    Thank you for offering to clear out the imported posts – If I attempt this again form my backed-up site I may ask this of you then.

  • My apologies, @kokkieh, I misunderstood a previous post in the forums with a similar but obviously different issue. Thanks for correcting me!

  • @darciemg

    You did not misunderstand. We have been able to fix this manually in the past, but this is no longer possible due to some internal changes :)

  • Hope you don’t mind me suggesting something then.

    If unattached images are an issue when importing from an ORG site, then maybe this should be emphasized even more on this page or on this page with a link to the support doc on Unattached Images (either ORG or COM)?

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