Images appear darker on mac

  • The photos I upload to wordpress from a mac appear too light when seen from a PC. On the mac the photos look good… on PC they look shit. Is there a way of rectifying this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As an exclusive Mac user I can’t easily compare the two in order to see if the displays are significantly and usually so different. I would guess that the PC needs its display adjusted.

    I can say that I’ve adjusted the color on my laptop when it goes a bit off and that makes a big difference. The big desktop Mac at work also makes my blogs’ pictures much more clear and bright.

  • a) Displays vary in type and quality. b) Brightness is adjustable. c) Color profile is adjustable.
    So b and c are up to the user.

  • There is also a big difference in gamma between Mac and PC’s. Macs typically run about 1.8 where Windohs runs 2.2 to 2.5. Macs will typically show a lot more detail in images at the lighter end of the color scale (toward white) where Windohs will show more detail on the darker end (toward black).

  • (And gamma is also adjustable, but I guess that’s too arcane for most users.)

  • For the average user definitely too much to ask.

  • Hmm.

    that sort of explains why the colors on my mac laptop were going off when it was having its recent issues with the battery and al,l which I neglected. That and othe r problems i ne glected u ntil itwas impossi ble even to turn it on…

    Borrowing my husband’s laptop during that time, his didn’t have those issues…

    So is there a way to have a happy “medium” with b&w images online?

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