image upload problem

  • I have been trying to upload an image for about 8 minutes now and keep getting the same message over and over again when I click upload “the connection to the server was reset…” is this a temporary thing? Shall I give it up for this evening?

    Problem resolved

  • why don’t u upload the image into a photo hosting site, like photobucket or flickr then link the image from that site? i always link my images after uploading it to my yahoo photos

  • i’ve been having the same problem for quite some time. when i try to upload images via wordpress, i get this error page saying something about how the page is unavailable. i use flickr to upload images but it’s more convenient to do via wordpress (when it actually works) because i have more editing controls and i don’t have to jump between those websites. this has been going on for the past month and is getting to be annoying.

  • Blackstar, what’s your ISP, connection, browser, and version please?

    Can you please give us some sample file names and sizes please?

  • This has been happening to me too. I’ve used these images on other blogs and they worked fine. For some reason I feel like my entire WP blog has been extremely slow for the past few weeks. I use firefox, and earthlink high speed cable. The file is a jpeg and under 1mb. Is there a file size limit or resolution size limit?

    This has been happening for at least two weeks and I’ve sent a few feedbacks. Podz always asks if it is still happening and I always tell him yes but nothing changes. I’m just wondering if something is wrong with the whole blog itself because it’s not my first problem with it (had troubles creating categories untill fixed through feedback) and the site is 2 or 3 times as slow as every other site I view.

    Just wondering if there have been any updates with this issue…thanks

  • Well, I’ve now tried resizing my images to smaller sizes and they seem to be uploading OK now. It’s just weird cause I didn’t have to do this on an older blog. The dashboard is still quite slow too but at least I can get some images up there now.

  • podz posted this earlier today –
    Useful to some I hope:
    Posted: 2006-05-08 18:19:53 #

  • FF, what is your setup on your computer? Any firewalls and/ or other security programs? Got a traceroute you can post to

    With the pictures I see on your blog, I don’t see why there would be an issue with them although I would suggest not having spaces within the file names as they do get their names changed upon upload. If you’re not use to that, it may be a concern for you.

    There is no file size limitations here that we know of. Just the 25meg total rule. I’m betting on it’s something on your end or EarthLink’s (Probably all the spammers getting a free ride over there) as there haven’t really been any other reports of this within the forums. I’m leaning towards an issue with whatever firewall you are running locally.

  • default max upload file size is 1500KB, max user space 10MB

    hadn’t seen effective values of these settings published.

  • cool thanks…just using windows standard firewall, oh well. actually I’m looking to move this all over to a fully hosted version of WP on my own domain. I just want to go to my new blog and import my current blog to it. Can anyone point me in the right direction to do this?

  • I had to cut and paste each entry and move then manually from one blog to another as they aren’t yet set up for importing except from blogger and movable type(?) or is it live journal(?). However, I do believe I read something in FAQ or on the forum in one of the pink FAQ bundles about doing an RSS transfer. Sorry I can’ be more helpful than that.

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