Image sizes in tiled galleries

  • Are tiled galleries sized the same on all wordpress themes or are there some themes which allow for larger “tiles”?

    I was just reading a post about Pictorico on Facebook and those tiled galleries look the same as the ones I am able to make with my Fusion theme.

    Ideally I would like larger “tiles.” I understand that the look of the gallery is determined by the combination of images…horizontal, vertical, square…but I’d still like each of these to be larger. Is there a way to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are tiled galleries sized the same on all wordpress themes?

    No, it depends on the width of the theme’s posting column, which varies from theme to theme.

    or are there some themes which allow for larger “tiles”?

    Yes, see above.

    Depending on the number of images you’ve uploaded, Square and Circle Tiled Galleries normally display 3 images per row regardless of theme. If there are one or two “leftover” images, those images will be larger to accommodate the posting column. If your theme has a very wide posting column, then overall the Square or Circle Tiled Gallery images will be larger.

    As far as the Tiled Mosaics, again it depends on the width of the posting column and, as you noted, the orientation of the image. Your theme, Fusion, has one of the widest full-page templates there is.

    If you want to be able to increase overall the size of Gallery images, you’d have to go back to using the Thumbnail Grid, where you can choose the number of columns in the Gallery screen of the Post Editor, but you would have to switch to the Text Editor tab in the Post Editor to add to the Gallery shortcode the size of the image you want displayed (thumbnail, medium, large, full-size – where full-size is the maximum width of the theme’s posting column).

    Regardless, unless you’ve changed the default settings for your Galleries, all visitors can click through a Gallery image to view a larger image in the Photo Carousel.

  • justjennifer great answer as usual, thanks!

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