Image orientation not working

  • Before yesterday, I could rotate images from landscape to portrait in my phone’s Gallery, then upload them to a WordPress post where they would remain in the portrait orientation. Yesterday, this stopped working. Every photo that I’ve re-orientated before uploading reverts to its original orientation when added to the media library/posted on blog. I then have to go to my PC and wp-admin to edit the image and ‘save changes to original’. This is incredibly frustrating and time-consuming, especially since it worked perfectly before yesterday.

    I have uninstalled and re-installed the WordPress app on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S5), but the problem is still happening. It also happens when I post the re-orientated images directly from my PC, so it seems to be something directly related to WordPress rather than just my phone.

    My blog is

    Any advice much appreciated – thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • WordPress is still posting my images in the wrong rotation. Is this a global issue or something that’s specific to my blog? Thanks!

  • I’m really stuck with this problem. Is it happening to anyone else?

  • It’s still not working – any thoughts at all from anyone ….?!

  • Can I assume that the image rotation is working for everyone else apart from me …?

    A response would really help!!! Feeling very lonely here ….


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