image gallery carousel in twenty eleven

  • id love to be able to change the background of the gallery carousel. ive set it to white in the options but it is a big black box around it…
    its still just getting set up so no major content and any images are just to get a feel for how the theme displays

    im completely new to all of this so quite frankly i dont have a clue.

    im pretty open to theme ideas too…
    basically i need a theme that supports a home page slideshow and a left sidebar
    customisable header

    also i dont want to have a nav bar run along the top, the person im trying to do this for would rather have the pages in the sidebar n no nav bar…

    im aware this sounds majorly dumb but im too new to all of this

    the site in question is

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • id love to be able to change the background of the gallery carousel. ive set it to white in the options but it is a big black box around it…

    I checked here and I don’t see a big black box around the carousel images:

    Are you still seeing a black box?

  • im pretty open to theme ideas too…
    basically i need a theme that supports a home page slideshow and a left sidebar
    customisable header

    If you click the “Find a Theme” button at you will see a bunch of option pop up and you can select several of them to narrow down the features you want. Note that “home page slideshow” is the same as “Features > Post Slider” in the filters.

  • also i dont want to have a nav bar run along the top, the person im trying to do this for would rather have the pages in the sidebar n no nav bar…

    You can actually create custom menus and then add them to the sidebar as a widget. Here are the related help pages with examples and steps:

    To make a top menu disappear, either create a blank menu for it and set it as the primary menu or use the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS editor to add CSS to hide the main menu. The first option is probably the easiest. The CSS you would need for the 2nd option will depend on what final theme you pick.

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