Image Alignment with Lodestar Theme

  • Good morning. I’m trying to adjust some image alignment on my website. Typically, I can do this by just playing around with image size, left/right alignment, etc. but these guys are giving me a run for my money. I need to arrange the images on my page https://webstermediahouston/my-work in a four-square pattern. (Two columns, Two rows). They all link to different pages on my site and I can’t use a gallery to arrange them because they would all have to share the same link/re-direction. They are all .png files and all the same size, but I can’t seem to fit them into this mold. I also want them to display correctly on the front page. They get close to doing so if I choose ‘Two columns’ on the 1st panel option. Can anyone help?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    You can use the Portfolio template for the page where you want to display your work. This will allow you to arrange the images in two columns with links to individual pages. You have to edit the page which displays your works and on the right panel choose Page Attributes. Under Page Template choose Portfolio Template and click Update. You can then create Portfolio items from your admin page under Portfolios,

    Here is some more info on Page Templates:

    And support docs for the Lodestar theme:
    Let us know if this works for you and whether you have more questions.

  • Hi @ckwebster, I’m seeing the images in two rows of two on your My Work and Home page now. Did you get this resolved, or do you still need help with it?

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