If you’re having trouble uploading images

  • You’ll find a help button in the editor – the one that looks like a question mark — and it offers these full instructions for inserting images from elsewhere online or by uploading from your computer. Hope this helps:

    There is a button in the editor toolbar for inserting images that are already hosted somewhere on the internet. If you have a URL for an image, click this button and enter the URL in the box which appears.

    If you need to upload an image or another media file from your computer, you can use the Media Library buttons above the editor. The media library will attempt to create a thumbnail-sized copy from each uploaded image. To insert your image into the post, first click on the thumbnail to reveal a menu of options. When you have selected the options you like, click “Send to Editor” and your image or file will appear in the post you are editing. If you are inserting a movie, there are additional options in the “Media” dialog that can be opened from the second toolbar row.

  • i like the old dashboard better, where it was less confusing…
    thanks! i have been trouble uploading images too!

  • Well, the only reason that I didn’t like the new dashboard has been fixed. I still don’t really like the way you upload images, but at least it’s doable.
    Thanks ellaella

  • This new version is ridiculous…hard to read and hard to understand. Why did you mess with a good thing? While not great, at least we all understood how to manipulate the old version.

    I’ve tried to insert photos or videos and I’ve read this forum and every help button on the screen and still I’m unable to do anything.

    I am not at all happy and I’m seriously thinking about taking my blog elsewhere.

    WordPress, you’ve compromised quality and system easein the MOST egregious manner.


  • The video upload feature does not seem to be working.

    The old saying, ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,’ seems most appropriate right about now.

  • You’re welcome, orangeninja. It does take time to adjust to new ways of doing things, but I think the bulk uploader is cool and so is the ability to write in full screen.

  • Thanks…. The previous version of WP was simple but didn’t give us as many features. Just a bit of transition pain for folks. How can we complain? Free. The platform is solid. My .02.

  • There is no option to upload images from the Media Library.

  • I’m not so change-averse I guess. Don’t find the new interface so daunting. I like some of the features (like tabs for multiple blogs I write). I’m not able to get through the image upload problems, though. It gets to the “Crunching” stage, but doesn’t move beyond that. I’ll give it a shot again later.

    Thanks for all the work. Try to let the more snarky negatives roll off yer back…!

  • That nice, but the problem is it doesn’t work.

  • I had to switch over to IE on another comp to get image uploads to work. It would NOT do it in Firefox. I hope that gets fixed!

  • I had a problem where I just couldn’t upload at all – when I clicked on the upload button – everything just disappeared.

    On a topic I posted someone replied with an idea to update the Flash Player as the picture upload uses Flash.

    So, I installed the newest version of Flash 9 from the Adobe Website:


    and now everything works fine!

  • I wonder why it didn’t work for randomscraps in Firefox. I’m having no issues at all and my system is usually the first to show up problems, because it’s so old and glitchy.

  • Yes, I uploaded the latest version of Flash, but I couldn’t upload images using Firefox either. It worked fine using IE.

    The dashboard looks great and I think it’s all still user friendly. Change is good, people.

    But, I noticed that if I want to resize images (dragging), it won’t maintain the aspect ratio like before. I have to manually type the numbers into the Insert/edit image tool. Who wants to do math?

  • Yes, I uploaded the latest version of Flash, but I couldn’t upload images using Firefox either. It worked fine using IE.

    The dashboard looks great and I think it’s all still user friendly. Change is good, people.

    But, I noticed that if I want to resize images (dragging), it won’t maintain the aspect ratio like before. I have to manually type the numbers into the Insert/edit image tool. Who wants to do math?

  • Will try this out but the old dashboard and adding images was so much easier.

  • Firefox + Vista +Flash latest + Compaq does not work. I/O error. UAC turned off in Vista.

    Anyone else got that problem?

  • I do not have an option ‘send to editor’
    I am not now able to post a thumbnail image which will fill the page when clicked on
    I have to keep going in and out of windows to get anything done
    when I click on the thumbnail I do not get a list of options
    I have now spent about 4 hours on this and I am moving sites soon if it is not sorted.
    When I started this weblog the site was simple to use, now I am being asked questions about things and told to go places I do not understand.
    The wordpress people perhaps are forgetting that there are people out here (me) who don’t speak geek, even the simplest geek.
    When I started I didn’t need ‘geek’ I just needed a bit of commonsense.

  • I cannot upload anything in IE or Firefox but it seems to work OK when I use Safari. Bit of a pain!!!

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