If I now create my site with WordPress.com…

  • If I now create my site with WordPress.com, when I want use WordPress.org will I be able to move my entire site to WordPress.org? or do I have to create my site again?

  • Hi there!

    If you build your site here, you are free to move it elsewhere. You may need to recreate your site layout and theme, but your content (posts, pages, media, comments, etc.) can all be exported and imported into a new WordPress installation.

    However, I would encourage you to review our Business plan here at WordPress.com, which is very similar hosting to what you would normally see with a “.org” site. With WordPress.com Business, we manage the hardware and the low-level system configurations for you so you can focus on what’s most important: your content.

    The biggest benefit is that sites with the Business plan have access to priority email and live chat support, which you wouldn’t have with a “.org” site as most WordPress support is from volunteers. You can compare the differences between hosting here and hosting on “.org” here:


    Let us know if you have any questions!

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