IE8 not showing my left hand nav bar-how to fix?

  • Hi,

    Using IE8 my left hand nav bar does not show up. the website looks normal with Firefox, of Google Chrome, but something is goofy with the internet Explorer 8. Can someone help me fix the problem. My site is called

    Thanks a lot, Mike

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  • Hi bajamike

    Just to give a little more info so someone can help you, I run IE7 and do not see your nav bar on the landing page. However, when I click on the first hyperlink in the text, I am taken to a page where your nav bar is visible. If I click on Sitemap, the nav bar is visible. If I click on some of the other links, (I didn’t try them all, sorry) there is no nav bar on the page I am taken to.

  • @mrsbitch, that blog is self-hosted and he needs to be over at wordpress.ORG.

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