Ideation and Intent Theme: Photo Sidebar Problems

  • First of all, apologies if this has already been answered.

    When I first switched to the Ideation/Intent theme a couple weeks ago, it populated the built-in “Photos” sidebar automatically with (I think) my latest posts, as expected and described in the theme description.

    Unfortunately, it hasn’t updated the photos in the sidebar with any of my more recent posts. Strangely, if you go to the “About” page, it does have *some* of the recent posts, but definitely not all.

    I came across another post that suggested it might be related to photos being “attached” to a specific post, versus unattached in the Media Library. It definitely looks like all of my old posts that are showing up properly in the sidebar are listed as “Unattached”, but the newer ones are all attached to a specific post. So my questions are:

    – I can’t find a way to detach photos at the moment, but can anyone confirm this is the problem?
    – Is there a way to detach photos once they’ve been attached to a specific post? I’d rather not have to repost everything…
    – I’m pretty sure I’ve been adding photos to my posts the same way, so I’m not sure what would have changed to suddenly make them “attached”, but is there a way to not automatically attach photos when you add them to a post? Other than uploading them separate from your post via Media Library?

    Thanks everyone!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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