I want to do live chat.

  • I want to do live chat.

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I need help. Our business website is showing “There has been a critical error on this website.” PMPC1.com. we’ve had our website through WordPress for nearly 10 year now and never had this issue like this.

  • @thesimplelifepresents if you still need help with your free WordPress.com website, let us know here what issue you’re encountering or what question you have.

    @codydd it looks like your site is hosted elsewhere and is using the open source WordPress software. These forums you’ve posted to assist sites hosted on WordPress.com, the hosting provider. You can learn more about the differences in this support guide https://wordpress.com/support/com-vs-org/#are-wordpress-org-and-wordpress-com-the-same-thing

    If you still need help with your WordPress site, head over to the community forums at https://wordpress.org/support/forums or follow the link that appears on how to troubleshoot this error that appears on your site.

  • Hello @codydd . As @justjennifer explained, your site seems to be a WordPress site hosted with another hosting provider, and not WordPress.com. You’ll want to contact your hosting provider’s support team for help with this issue.

    That said, we do have documentation on Jetpack errors that you may find helpful when troubleshooting this issue: https://wordpress.com/support/resolve-jetpack-errors/#critical-error-on-the-site

    A common cause of this sort of error is a plugin or theme conflict. If you have access to your site’s logs, you may be able to determine what is causing the conflict, and deactivate it. Your hosting provider’s support team ought to be able to guide you further.

  • Hello @thesimplelifepresents. You can read about the support options we offer based on your plan, here: https://wordpress.com/support/help-support-options/

    If you’re not on a paid plan, you’re welcome to share more details about what you’d like some help with here in the Forums.

  • How do I get help with this:

    Cannot access website

    My godaddy domain pointed to WP is rubiconproject.us my domain rubiconproject.us isn’t accessible

    Chrome failure: You cannot visit rubiconproject.us right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.

    This is the domain from WP that I can access: :https://xdamageincx.wordpress.com/ Go dady response to fix the problem is: Please contact WordPress support and tell them to add the records in the dDNS section, so they will add the records for you.

  • Hi there @xdamageincx,

    I understand you’re having trouble accessing your domain rubiconproject.us, which is pointing to your WordPress.com site. Based on your information, the DNS records for your domain rubiconproject.us need to be updated in your WordPress.com site’s settings.

    Here’s how you can do that:

    1. Log in to your WordPress.com account and navigate to the site associated with the domain (xdamageincx.wordpress.com).
    2. Go to “Settings” in the left sidebar, then click on “Domains”.
    3. Under the “Domains” section, click on the “Add domain” button.
    4. Enter your domain name (rubiconproject.us) and click “Add”.
    5. Follow the instructions provided to update the DNS records for your domain. This typically involves adding A records or CNAME records pointing to WordPress.com’s servers.
    6. Once you’ve updated the DNS records, click “Done” to save the changes.

    Please note that DNS changes can take up to 72 hours to propagate fully, so your domain may not be accessible immediately after making these changes. However, it should start working within that timeframe.

    If you encounter any issues while updating the DNS records or if the problem persists after 72 hours, please let us know, and we will be happy to assist you further.

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