I ve been using old editor for about 10 years… If I pay could I keep it?

  • Hi, I really dislike the new block editor, ( I ve tried it inevitably in a new account and having to switch to old mode every time is not comfortable and does not work properly ) and as you say ‘it can be frustrating to get used to an online tool only to see it change’
    I am teacher and in this pandemia I really need my blogs to work, i ve been using them for the past 10 years at least.
    If I were premiun would I be able to reject the new editor ? Please don ‘t add more stress to the actual working conditions. Give users a choice.

  • Hi @anacichero,

    I can understand your frustration, however, once switched to the classic editor it should not be asking you to make the switch every time. It will remain as the classic editor until you change it back to new block editor again.

    Please confirm if you went thorough following steps to make a switch back to the classic editor.

    1. Click the button (with 3 dots ) on the top right of the post you are editing.
    2. Scroll down to the very bottom and you will find an option which says “Switch to Classic Editor”. Click that and you are done.

    Best :)
    Sunil Chauhan

  • Hi Sunil, no problem with those steps, besides having to execute them everytime you start o re-start editing anything on your blog.

    My question still stands.
    Is there any way free or payed of rejecting the block editor ?

    I don t mind paying if this gives some at least some extra time free of unchosen changes .
    I am an active math teacher in Uruguay using this tools on a daily basis in the middle of the current . 1st June 2020 is a real bad moment for facing imposed noveltys .
    So please let me know if there is some other option. Thanks in advance.

  • Hi @anacichero,

    This post has been tagged for staff’s attention. Rest assured someone from the staff will reach out to you and offer their advice.

    Best :)
    Sunil Chauhan

  • Good Morning –

    The block vs classic editor has nothing to do with plans. It is a system-wide thing. I’d suggest making a feedback post here: https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/feedback-thread-for-the-block-editor/

  • Undestood.
    I will have to cope with block editor :)

    But I really regret the timing the wordpress staff chose for introducing this change.

    We are in the middle of the pandemia crisis, and we are using our digital tools more than ever, it does not seem like the ideal oportunity to introduce mandatory changes. I guess, there must be more powerful reasons …

    To me , a highschool math teacher, that relied on wordpress for more ten years, to be forced to deal with new tools with such a short notice and in the middle of this fully remote teaching experience is a real kick in the stomach. I sincerely hope is not so inconvenient for the rest of the users.

    Thank you for your help, I truly appreciate the fact that you all took the time to reply.

  • You can still use the classic editor if you prefer. It just won’t be available at My Site ->Site ->Posts any more – you’ll need to go into WP-Admin for it instead.

    If you follow the steps Sunil provided above, the site will remember your preference, and should automatically launch the classic editor whenever you create a new post from the WP-Admin dashboard. You should not need to switch every time you create a new post.

    Currently, with the classic editor in My Sites, it also remembers your preference.

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