I refresh my page and it goes back to the day before.

  • Just thought I should say that sometimes the page is the way it should be. But then I post a new post and the main page is from the day before.

  • I too noted the same problem today. I am not sure if there is anything to do with the way wordpress server caches our pages. But when I reload my blog page for a few times, my lastest postings do appear again.

  • The same thing is happening to me, I lost 2 posts today, they just dissapeared, and one the I deleted earlier is coming back, and my pages are also showing up things I deleted, by the beard of zeus, what’s going on?

  • yeah me too. is there’s something wrong?

  • It is also happening to me – things appearing that I deleted, things disappearing that I created…I’m new to WP – does it do that particular trick often?

    I seem to have lost a lot of links I added, too. They do *sometimes* appear on my admin/manage page (I’ll refresh, they’ll appear, I’ll refresh again, they’ll disappear), but no matter how many times I refresh, can’t see them in the side bar. Same with link categories.

  • I’m having similar problems today. Sometimes the posts show up but when I hit refresh they vanish. They reappear again when I keep hitting refresh.

    Does anyone know if this problem will be fixed? I moved my blog over from another blog server as it was having too many technical difficulties only to have the same problems here!

  • Figured I might as well join the crowd. Same problem here, I’ll do something as simple as go from my about page to my homepage and it will say there are no posts to be found. I’ll have to hit refresh 4-6 times before it pops up.

  • Sorry for this prob, for a brief period of time one of the DBs was out of sync with the newest stuff.

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