I need to disconnect a connected domain

  • I need to disconnect a previously connected domain. How can I do so?

    The goal is to reconnect using the ‘alternative method’ sent to me via WordPress.com support, using A and CNAME records so that my email service is not affected.

    Because the domain is already connected in the Upgrade > Domains tab in WordPress.com, I don’t see a way to do this now. I want to set it as my primary domain, but currently when I do so, my emails don’t work properly.

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • I should add, I’ve seen a help article telling me I can click the domain and select “detach”, but no such option exists on my end.

  • Hello @kodiwinks,

    First, make sure the domain in question is registered with WordPress.com, you can use this URL to check this.


    When moving or adding a domain from another source, ensure that you have the correct plan for your account.

    If everything appears to be in order, make sure that the domain in question is not set as the Primary Domain on your account. If it is set as the primary domain, the “Detach” option may be missing for this domain.


  • Hello there

    The goal is to reconnect using the ‘alternative method’ sent to me via WordPress.com support, using A and CNAME records so that my email service is not affected.

    We use two IP addresses at WordPress.com, so you’ll need to add two A records plus one CNAME record for mapping via IP address to work properly.
    These are the IP Addresses to use for your site:

    When entered properly, your three DNS records should look similar to this:

    Type: A
    Host (or Name): @

    Type: A
    Host (or Name): @

    Type: CNAME
    Host (or Name): www
    Value: @

    Because the domain is already connected in the Upgrade > Domains tab in WordPress.com, I don’t see a way to do this now. I want to set it as my primary domain, but currently when I do so, my emails don’t work properly.

    You need to make this change for the domain at your current domain provider, so if you are not comfortable making the changes, please contact the current domain provider for help.

  • Hello, thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately I still had email issues after adding these DNS records, then switching my primary URL to the one I want (my domain without ‘WPCOMSTAGING’). Then when I went to revert the changes, I can no longer select the URL that included ‘WPCOMSTAGING’. I have switched my A and CNAME records back to what they were previously, but only the current primary URL appears on my list of domains in WordPress.

    Do you know why I can’t select the previous URL that included ‘WPCOMSTAGING’? This process has become extremely confusing. Thanks in advance!

  • Actually, as it turns out, my test email came through, and my primary URL is still what I want it to be, but my SSL certificate no longer works (is this because the SSL is , and Jetpack isn’t connected. I appreciate any insights on how to fix my setup (can provide more details as well), as I seem to be halfway to what I want.

  • Apologies, part of my last reply disappeared! I meant to type: my SSL certificate no longer works (is this because the SSL was connected to the ‘wpcomstaging’ part of my URL?). The SSL was part of my “creator” plan.

  • Further update, email doesn’t actually work. I can receive form submissions from the website, but not external emails.

Reply to I need to disconnect a connected domain