i Need Help on this

  • i got Vps Server and i want to connect to your wordpress.com and i wsant ot know if it can connect or not if i pay 1 years for 96$

    Self-declared URL: goldenfortune.com.kh
    Jetpack: Unknown
    WP.com: Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi,

    WordPress.com is a managed hosting platform, and we provide our own hosting for all WordPress.com sites. Therefore, you cannot use a third-party server, such to host your website while using WordPress.com’s managed services.

    Nonetheless, if you’re looking to use the WordPress software on your own VPS, you might want to consider WordPress.org instead. With WordPress.org, you can download the necessary software and install it on your own server, giving you complete control over your website and its hosting environment: https://wordpress.com/support/com-vs-org/

    If you’re set on using WordPress.com’s services, we offer various plans including a yearly subscription, and while we can’t host your site on an external VPS, we’d be glad to host your site on our robust infrastructure: https://wordpress.com/support/plan-features/

    If you still want to enjoy the features that WordPress.com has to offer without moving away from your VPS, you may consider our Jetpack plugin, which would provide some of the security, performance, and management features we offer to WordPress.com users: https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/

    Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.

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