I have ran out of photo space…

  • I am halfway through my year of travelling and my blog has ran out of space for anymore photo uploads. I stupidly stated deleting old photos until I had a thought and wondered if they were deleting from my blogs, which they did. Anyway my question is, if I upgrade my account so I get more media space, can I cancel my upgrade in 6 months time (the end of my trip) and all my extra photos will still be there? Or will I need to pay for the upgrade for the rest of my life to keep the blog with all my extra photos that wouldn’t be allowed if I wanted to keep paying nothing? I hope this makes sense, any responses will be much appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you cancel after upgrading your site, your already uploaded media will not be removed, you won’t be able to upload any new media.

    Other options for media include embedding images rather than uploading them to your site, but you can’t use embedded images as featured images or in Galleries. Let me know if you want more information about that.

    If you’ve run out of 3GB storage after 8 months, you will want to look at resizing and optimizing your images before you upload them to your site. This not only maximizes your storage space, but also preserves image clarity and speeds up page loading time for your site visitors. That last one is very important for search engine rankings.

    Unless your images are meant to be downloaded for printing, no image on your site really needs to be larger than 1600-1800 pixels at the widest. The exception is if your theme requires a wider featured image. Anything larger than those dimensions is eating up your storage space unnecessarily.

    Here’s information on resizing and optimizing: https://en.support.wordpress.com/media/image-optimization/

    Hope that helps.

  • Thank you so much! I understand it all now :) I have since upgraded my account and have an app that will resize my photos. I didn’t know what resizing and optimising meant until I read your link.
    I wish I knew about resizing when I 1st starting using wordpress. At least I know now. Again, thank you.

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