I created a website, how do I set it up so my assistant can update as well?

  • I created my website and I want to give access to my assistant so she can update the menu and other pages periodically without her having access to my private blogs… Is there a way to do that so she can only see and update bigdaddysfamilybbq.net site?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you’d like to invite others to publish posts or help approve comments on your blog, you can invite them to be a Contributor, Editor, or Author. If you want users to receive updates each time you publish new content you can invite them to be a follower/viewer.
    See here:
    http://en.support.wordpress.com/adding-users/ and here http://en.support.wordpress.com/user-roles/

    As noted above they need accounts but do not need to register blogs. They will need to click the “Accept Invitation” button in the invitation email. If they are logged into their WordPress.com account, they will be taken directly to your blog. If not, they will be taken to the log-in screen, where they can either log in or create a new user account.

    Note that users who create a new WordPress.com account at that point will still need to return to the invitation email and click the “Accept Invitation” button after doing so.

    The limit is 10 invitations at any point in time. It’s a spammer prevention limit. So simply wait and then send out 10 more.

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