I can’t launch my site

  • When I click ‘launch site’, a blue blank site opens. So I spent lots of time to launch the site. But I can’t it. Can you help me?

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    Your website’s privacy settings control who can view your website, allowing you to make the website public, private or “Coming Soon”.

    You can configure your site’s privacy.
    Follow the tutorial:


    Hope it works

  • Hello,
    It doesn’t work. Because, there aren’t privacy options to choose private, coming soon or public.

  • Hello there,

    It appears you have not launched your site yet, as your privacy options will only appear when you launch it.

    If you want your site to be publicly accessible, you must launch it from
    My Site>Manage >Settings and select Launch Site.

    Please refer to the following documentation to do so:

    After clicking the “Launch site” button, when you reach the page where you’re prompted to pick a domain, just type anything in the domain search field and you’ll see a “skip the domain purchase” at the bottom.

    Let me know if it works. :)

  • Hi there, there are several places where you can launch your site from.

    If you don’t see the Launch Site banner in your site’s General>Privacy settings like this: https://wordpress.com/support/settings/privacy-settings/#launch-your-site you should be able to launch it from either your site’s dashboard homepage Site Set-up dashboard links on the right at https://wordpress.com/home/myacornmarket.wordpress.com or by going to the front of your site at myacornmarket.wordpress.com and clicking the Launch Site link in the banner at the top.

    If none of those work for you, try logging in with a different browser. If that still doesn’t work, please post back here.

  • Hello.

    Can you please give a little more clarification which to what happens when you try to launch your site?

  • Thanks to all of you. But all things did not work. I don understand why just me, I mean I watched almost all videos and read all articled on google. But there is no anything like that. I do not know if I do some wrong. But I did all verification and others.
    My problem is that I click ‘launch button’ but after clicking ‘launch site to the world’ I see only blue blank page – there is no any button to do anything.
    In addition, there are not privacy options in my setting-general. Please don’t tell me these options what I said above, because none of these work. I need just solution to that.
    Lastly, a few minutes ago, I tried to create new site because I can’t launch it you know. But again again again, a white blank page opens. I mean I can’t create new site. I can’t launch my site which I want to that. I have no privacy options
    Is there anyone to help me, please. I was really annoyed.

  • Hi there!

    Could you let us know what operating system and browser (and versions of each) you’re using? Once we have that information, we’ll be better able to advise.


  • Microsoft Windows 10 Pro — Version 1903
    I use Google as a browser — Version 103.0.5060.134

  • Thanks for that! We don’t have any existing issues with your OS or browser, so I’m not sure what could be causing the issue. 🙃

    Could you log into your site in an incognito window (which should disable any browser extensions you might be using) and see if you have the same issue?

    If it does work there, check your browser extensions to see if there are any that may break javascript or third-party cookies and whitelist *.wordpress.com to avoid those issues.

    If that doesn’t work, try using Firefox or Edge and see if you have the same problem. If you’re using Windows Defender, check those settings to make sure *.wordpress.com isn’t blocked or disabled.

    Let us know how it goes!

  • Thank you very much. I launched my site because I opened incognito mode on my desktop. Thank you again.

  • Ah, so the launch worked in Incognito but not in your normal browser? If you were able to identify an extension that was blocking the launch process, please let us know. Cheers!

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