How to use Templates as Pages?

  • Hello everyone,

    How can I use the Index Template
    as a Page, so when people visit my site and click on ‘Explore Guides’, that they get redirected to the updates Index Page? Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    If you have an FSE theme activated, you can access and set your index template by going to Appearance > Editor. From there, you can click on the button, and it will provide you an option to link to the page where you set your index template.

    The index template is normally the default template to show posts when a homepage is not assigned. Is that how you want your homepage set up?

    If so, to find and edit the Index or Archive templates, follow these steps:

    1. From your dashboard, click on Appearance → Editor.
    2. In the left side panel, click Templates and select the Index or Archive template, depending on which one you’d like to edit.
    3. Click Edit to start editing the selected template. The left sidebar will close so you can focus on editing.
    Selecting the Index or Archive template to edit it in the Site Editor.

    For a full rundown on how index templates work, please visit our support page:

    Templates » Edit the Index and Archive Templates
    7 min read
    The Index and Archive templates are used to display a collection of posts on your site. The Index template is used for your default blog page that comes with the theme and will display all your latest posts on the site. The Archive template displays smaller groupings of posts organized in categories, tags, and archives (which are typically posts by month, year, and other time-based groupin

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!

  • Thank you very much and you kind of solved my problem.
    I want to transform the current Index Template into an Index Page so that I can add it as a link to my home page like this:

    Or could I just copy the group which contains the updating posts and paste it into a new page like that?

    But then I believe, I have to give it a title or maybe even some other things? But how could I do it so that it doesn’t show up in the navigation?

    Thank you very much if you could help me with it!

  • It’s not possible to transform a template to a page, but you could try copying the blocks on the Index template and pasting them into a draft page. For example, you’ve highlighted the Group block with Archive Title and Query Loop blocks inside. Try copying the Group from the Index Template and pasting that into a draft page to see if that carries over. Let us know how that goes.

    As a backup option, if copy & paste doesn’t go as expected, you can create a new draft page and manually add the Group block, then nest the Archive Title and Query Loop blocks inside to see how that looks.

  • Alight, thank you very much. I’ll do that!

  • It doesn’t seem to work for the users.

    This is how it looks to me:

    And this is how it looks tothe users:

  • Hi there, there were some other blocks in your Our Guides page that were causing some confusion in the display of the page, and there was one setting for the Query Loop block that was causing the posts to now show. If you can take a look at Our Guides now and see what you think, I believe it is showing what are are wanting.

  • Thank you so much. You can close this topic now.

  • Oh sorry, there is another issue… On my perspective the content appears to be very large like this

    But on my visitors perspective the content appears to be very small.

    I tried it now for 20 minutes but I’m unable to find it out :( ….

  • Hi there, the issue here seems to be due to the fact that you have added a Query Loop directly to the “Page” template: The template that all pages on your site use to display content.

    Because of this, the Query loop you added directly to the template has the effect of overriding the one you have added to your Our Guides page. It actually overides the content of all pages on the site. This is why you see a query loop on your About page, for example:

    In this case the best course of action would be to reset the “Page” template back to its default settings. This will allow your About page content to show correctly, and should also display the Query Loop block you added to your Our Guides page.

    You can reset the template here:

    Look for this option to the right of the “Page” template:

    After you reset this template, are you able to see the About page content correctly? Does it improve the appearance of the Our Guides page?


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