How to remove Reblog and View Full Size options from photo galleries?

  • Hi,

    I’ve been able to disable comments and other information from individual photos in a gallery. Now looking to disable the View Full Size and Reblog options. Is that possible?
    Look under Projects and click any photo for an example.

    While I am at it two more questions:
    1-Is there such a thing as right click protection or any way to prevent drag and dropping of my photos?
    2-Can I remove the name of my theme from the bottom of the pages?

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1-Is there such a thing as right click protection or any way to prevent drag and dropping of my photos?

    No. What’s best for your hosted blog is watermarking your images or not placing any images and/or text you don’t want stolen on the internet at all. See also

    If you use the Duotone theme right click is disabled via CSS. It’s not available on any other themes. That is because anyone can find instructions on the internet and get around it in less than 20 seconds flat.

    For clarity you can read what Staff said here about Duotone but in the end the effect still means the answer is the same one I posted above.

    You may also want to read Perspectives on Watermarks (and Various Methods to Protect Your Images). A roundup of opinions and processes on adding watermarks to images online, from nine WordPress photographers.

  • 2-Can I remove the name of my theme from the bottom of the pages?

    Doing that is a Terms of Service violation that results in blog suspension. You cannot remove footer credit links. There is no upgrade that provides that ability. Removal of footer credit links is a Terms of Service violation.

    Though removing footer credit links, which leads to the untrue assumption that you designed the theme, and that you are hosting your site yourself is not allowed, it’s possible to add your own text to the footer area using CSS if you have purchased the Business bundle or Premium bundle of upgrades containing the Custom Design upgrade. Then you can include styling credit if you have done any unique styling and/or include a copyright notice. 11.

  • Now looking to disable the View Full Size and Reblog options. Is that possible?

    Another Volunteer or Staff will respond to that issue. Please be patient while waiting.

  • Thanks time thief for your thorough answers.

    My main question was about disabling Reblog and View full size.
    I threw those last two questions in at the last minute because I am so rarely here and have always wondered about them.

    I definitely have no interest in creating the false assumption that I designed the theme. Just wondered if I could keep my theme selection private. No problem!

  • You are welcome and please be patient while waiting for a response re: disabling the View Full Size and Reblog options from galleries.

  • Hi there,

    Our forum/CSS expert @designsimply addressed this very issue eloquently in an earlier post.

    Even if you do not want to add the Custom Design feature to your account via purchasing the Premium Plan, she provides two additional options to get rid of the reblog options and comment options.

    However, the custom design option is most likely the quickest and easiest way to get the results you are looking for.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


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