How to make my WP more accessible?

  • Hi!

    I am currently working on my and it hasn’t been launched yet. I have a podcast on disabilities & mental health so accessibility is a very important thing for me. The thing is that I am not very techsavvy and I have trouble finding what I can implement on my website to make it as accessible as possible. The point of my wp is to give access to the text of my episode with the episode uploaded at the beginning so people can read and listen on the same internet page if needed.

    I already changed to an accessible ready theme (Geologist) but I want to make sure people can access everything without a mouse pad (so only with a keyboard, it’s something that is needed for some people). I’d like to know if there is other thing I should be aware in terms of accessibility before launching my website : font, font size, etc. I really take any advice that might be helpful to make it as easy as possible to navigate on my wp.

    Thank you in advance and take care


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    That’s a very good question.

    Our support doc provides quite a bit of information about how you can design your site with accessibility in mind:

    We also created an article on the 10 things you can do to make your site more accessible:

    Here are more accessible ready themes if you’re looking for something outside of Geologist:

    Please take a look at these resources and let me know if you have any questions at all. Thank you!

  • Hi ! Thank you for all those informations. I have a last question regarding the accessible ready themes, is there one or more that are also following the last Web content Accessibility Guidelines? I saw that those themes follows the 508 act, ut I wondered if there are some who also follows the WCAG? Thank you!

  • Yes, absolutely – the themes we provide which are tagged as “accessibility ready” follow the WCAG:

    The document linked further up specifically mentions that we can’t ensure that all the sites we host are compliant with the 508 act guidelines, primarily because those guidelines include both the structure of the pages on a site, and the content added by a site owner.

    However, our accessibility-ready themes are specifically designed in line with the WCAG.

  • Thank you very much for your answer!

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