How to List a Fake (Pseudo Name) to My Blogsite

  • Within the past 72-hours, I created a new WordPress Blogsite. When I post posts that I have written, I notice that my actual name appears and, I don’t want anyone to know who I am and, I mentioned this in an introductory “About” recently.

    So, how can I add a Peudo Name, as when I try to add this fake name, asks for the email address (which of course there is no email address).

    Thanking you ahead of time.

    Philippine Paul

    P.S. A previous WordPress Blog Site that I used to have, when I sent messages to whomever on this page, I signed off on my messages (like I did above), as “Philippine Paul”

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You can add a public display name under your profile so to take the place of your actual name under

    For more information on updating your profile, please visit

    Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!

  • staff-doublebassd

    Thanks for your response!

    Yes, indeed I got everything taken care of, changing the name and the @.


    Disabled Veteran

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