How to generate traffic to your blog

  • I have been blogging for about a month now. I’m assuming websites and blogs go hand and hand. So here we go….Content is king – perhaps – at least for long tail searches. To rank high on google incoming links are key.
    Do a few searches that you are trying to capture and look at a few of the sites on the first page of google. To look at their incoming links put the following into the google search field – link: of the
    This will show you their incoming links.
    Try to grab relevant links pertaining to your blog with a google pagerank of 3 or higher. This includes other blogs, websites and directories. Anchor text within your site is a must. When considering anchor text use keywords as the anchor text. Keywords are words that you are trying to be found by. When looking at content consider keyword density. your keywords should be around 5% per page. For yahoo and msn title tags seem to work well. When you are creating a title for a blog, consider putting in keywords in the title. I am hearing that meta tags are not that important but i still use them because the search engines are unpredictable. Who knows what they will use for searching 6 months from now. use to figure out what people are searching for pertaining to the traffic you are trying to capture. There are several other tricks but I have said too much…
    Good luck!

  • Just for reference, I usually suggest doing link:mydomain.tld without the http:// and the www bit. That covers the field a bit better.

    edit: And I believe it’s Yahoo that chokes on teh http:// bit.


  • nitawriter, again I have to disagree; if you go to Technorati and look at the top blogs in the world you’ll find entertainment blogs at the top, like Best Week Ever, Fark, etc. Next you’ll find issue blogs like political ones and technical ones. Quality of content isn’t the issue: just look at Perez Hilton, who gets two million hits per day. It’s topicality of content that’s the key.

  • Perez gets all that traffic because he’s on tv and in the tabloids. But I heard alot of the original loyal visitors hate him and left. And he’s being sued now by Splash News which will probably generate more publicity for him. Ugh!

  • QED. But Perez got to a million before he was in the tabs; I know, because I was there.

  • @nitawriter
    I’m with rain. IMO she’s telling it like it is – straight up. The most favoured blogs are *not* those that “help”. The most favoured blogs of all are those that “entertain”. In second place are those that “inform” and third place goes to blogs that “instruct”.
    As far as content goes I’m *rotflmao*. If stats were kept on porno blogs I think the results would be mind blowing.
    Yup, when it comes to the “top” of the shit heap it’s the same old – same old – sensationalized sex, glamour and bad behaviour are the top sellers.

  • Perez got to a million hits by essentially engaging in a flamewar with Clay Aiken’s fans the Claymates about a man’s claim that he’d had rough sex with Clay. This is how you get to be a popular blogger.

    Why don’t they pick on me, darnit!

  • I think someone’s out to get me. I got my very first ever cease and desist letters yesterday from the same people suing Perez. But the sites I got the non-tagged pictures from never got those letters. Hmmm.

  • Sounds like you are in a good spot then; you can’t enforce a cease and desist unless you do it across the board. If nothing else, take solace in the fact they think you’re a more important target than your sources.

  • They sent me three. Taking down the Britney pictures killed me. :( But I’m going to ask for a link exchange because I see a few people on my blogroll are on theirs too. :)

  • I wouldn’t; I’d ice them and blog about it, putting their name in the headline to goose Google. Then when people google them, they’ll find what you wrote.

    Also, as I’ve said before, flamewars are awesome for hits.

  • Maybe this is not the right place to ask this question, but I didn’t find anything in FAQ, and have no idea where else to go.What is “Incoming Links” on blog-stats/top post?
    Thank you

  • @homeyra
    Incoming links are a record of other bloggers who are directly linking to your blog posts. Every time you write a post in your blog and include the url to another blogger’s blog that becomes an incoming link at their end. :)
    Here’s a thread called “what are incoming links?” from the forum search box that explains incoming links and trackbacks

  • Thank you timethief :)

  • You’re welcome. Happy blogging! :)

  • Actually my last line which said ‘depends on what kind of hits you are looking for and why’ translates into: Numbers aren’t everything. There’s also goodwill for instance. Loyalty, another. And perhaps you may want a particular quality of people to come to your site – let’s say highly educated professionals. I am just giving an example. I am not saying that numbers aren’t important – they are. But to some people they may be less important than something else.

  • @nitawriter
    I appreciate what you are saying. I’m not blogging for “points”: blogging is my passion. I’m not blogging because I’m lonely: I have friends. But I’m certainly not adverse to sharing my views with others and making more friends.

    Blogging is a wide open frontier and as rain points out blog “flamewars” produce some awesome statistics. In fact “skillfull” bloggers deliberately craft sensational posts to attract visitors who are at odds with the views expressed in them in order to increase their blog traffic.

    There’s plenty of goodwill and loyalty at the centre of blogs on any subject matter that you may care to name. I have visited blogsites that are exclusively dedicated to creating goodwill and loyalty particularly, among those who profess to hate others and/or who think they know better or more than others and/or who profess to be closer to their version of god. And I have observed that racists, bigots, misogynists, gay bashers and religious wingnuts have *astonishingly* high traffic statistics. These statistics are created and maintained primarily by visiting “yes men” and “yes women”, who are eager to demonstrate over and over again their inclusiveness towards like-minded others and, their rejection of those who do not embrace the thinking that their rigid belief systems are built from.

    It seems there are probably as many reasons for blogging as there are bloggers. But when we speak of “traffic” we are normally referring to the statistical records of visitors and page views achieved by a blog. This is because for the vast majority blogging is about achieving popularity reflected in numbers of visitors and page views. Only for a minority of bloggers is blogging strictly a private affair. Thus, when new bloggers ask about how to increase their blog traffic they usually fall into the majority group and hence, they receive advice accordingly.

  • I get your point timethief. Guess I am still a baby blogger.

  • You’re a blogger of a different perspective, that’s all. A valid perspective, obviously, but a different one. This is the thread to pimp hits. You might want to collect ideas to start a thread about “Generating loyal readers” which, I’m sure, would be popular. I’d hit that.

  • I wouldn’t; I’d ice them and blog about it, putting their name in the headline to goose Google. Then when people google them, they’ll find what you wrote.

    Also, as I’ve said before, flamewars are awesome for hits.

    I wouldn’t even know what to say or what to do. And it is their pictures so they say, which I didn’t know. I emailed them tonight asking for a link exchange and if I could use their tagged images. Another agency emailed me back today and said their images are $85 each. HAHAHA!!

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