How to generate traffic to your blog

  • It takes a while for any site, let alone blogs, to show up in the search engines. I’ve noticed that usually it will show up in MSN first and then the others.

    edit: Heck, you’ve already have a few pages in MSN.

  • You should be posting more.

    Nobody is going to be all overwhelmed with the urge to link to a blog with only three posts; it looks like you’re not committing, which is in fact the case.

    Google and the other search engines will find you all right, even with three posts, but you won’t rank very high until other people start linking to you; connection to the community is the key.

    Out of curiosity, what is your minimum “worth it” number of daily hits? What makes one number worth it to you and another not?

  • @marcys
    It usually takes 4-5 weeks for blog articles to be picked up by the google search engines. In that time most bloggers will have generated 30 or more posts. The top bloggers at wordpress seem to get over 1100 hits per day and write every day.

    If you’re running ads elsewhere you may be interested to know that it is estimated that 10-20% of clicks from paid search ads on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN are fraudulent.

    If you would be kind enough to respond to them, I am also curious to hear your answers to the questions raincoaster has posed about your expectations and requirements for becoming a “committed” blogger.
    No pun is intended although I’m fairly sure that from time to time most bloggers feel it’s “crazy” for them to continue their commitment to blogging. ;)

  • This is the first time I’ve visited or read a forum. I’ve been blogging three weeks (about a dozen posts) I’ve really been doing it to keep a personal journal and maybe get some informed comments about my subject. But the experience is interesting. Years back when I use to do chat rooms, I was always the most verbose poster, so blogging is really more up my alley. BTW, It’s mind boggeling that someone averages a thousand hits.

  • I guess it is the nature of my topic, but all my traffic is from outside the blogosphere. The method I tout is somewhat controversial in the field, so it generates a good bit of traffic. I post on a forum that is related to my subject and my sig file contains my blog address. From the stats I can see a lot of my traffic is generated from there. I also asked someone who has a website on the same subject to link me, (of course I linked her back on my blog), and I get a decent amount of hits coming from there too. I also see the search terms people use (very interesting and sometimes bizarre) that brings people to my site. They are MSN Live searches usually. I have a page that is a “product review” of a product of interest to my readers. I asked people to submit their experiences with the various brands and people search on brands and they find my site. I’m not selling it or endorsing it so it is perceived as objective info, and then they probably go to the rest of my site.

    Quite frankly I am shocked at how many hits I have already received. I thought I would get a few a day in the beginning; I’ve only been up about 5 weeks and I have about 1900 so far.

  • Well I dont see Anyone talking about Search Engines? Their at least 40% of my hits, here are some links for you guys to submit your blogs

    And if you also want to submit Feeds, its your lucky day here is a gigantic list of RSS submittion

    PLEASE, when submitting, just submit once in a while, every 5 – 7 days, eventually the crawler will go to your site without you having to submit.

    Maybe this will help you guys :|

  • Ohh, I forgot, also submit the WebPages of people that link to you, trust me on this one.

  • With the new domains, do we have to re-register at all of those? My hits have dropped by over 50% over the past week, and I’m becoming rather concerned.

    Also, I’d not submit other pages to these search engines, whatever it does to your rankings. For reasons, just search here under PRIVACY or similar titles; quite a LOT of people don’t want to be listed in search engines, and won’t be happy if they find you’ve put them in there.

    Technorati and Pingomatic are already notified automatically by WordPress. If you want a complimentary service, I use

  • Hmmm well, back to the topic of more traffic

    check out this post I made, may help

  • Gav, please read the article mentioned in the tenth or so post that I placed on Search engines are a big help and a source for incoming links.

  • I believe this might have been mentioned somewhere here, but I’ll tell you from my own recent experience:

    I just started an mp3 blog this week. Aside from including other mp3 blogs on my blogroll, I referred people to another blog that hosted a similar artist. Lo and behold, when I visited that other blog, I got a link back to my own blog (although, I’m not yet on his blogroll). Similarly, the moderator of another mp3 blog posted a comment on one of my entries. While I’m not (yet) on his blogroll, I think it’s only a matter of time.

    Also: if you belong to any discussion forums on this thing we call the Internet, you might want to make a mention about your blog there (although, it might be construed as being crass. Oh well…I did it with two forums last night, lol!).

    Hope that helps.

  • I’m surprised that in a thread about getting traffic to your blog, the #1 thing hasn’t been mentioned:

    Write content that doesn’t suck.

    You can get all of the hits in the world, but if your blog isn’t interesting, people won’t be back. In getting started with blogging, I’d recommend you ignore all of the Technorati / search engine stuff for now, and focus on writing some decent articles. Traffic will follow in due time.

    Just my .02, which is probably worth less than .02. ;)

  • “write content that doesn’t suck”

    well that’s highly debatable isn’t it? i could say my writing’s excellent but there’ll be someone else who would think it sucks. so i guess everyone writes blogging tips should assume the content doesn’t suck according to his/her target readers =)

  • I have done a trial, and Chris Whittle has tested magazine content as well, and in both cases the quality of the content had, it is unfortunate to report, no bearing on the popularity. Look at your local newsstand and ask them what sells better: People or The New Yorker?

    The best way to get a lot of hits is to ride a meme to the top, to always be ahead of the other news outlets your readers see. This is a TON of work, however, and means you can never sleep without guilt (“I should be blogging…I wonder what BoingBoing is saying right now while I lie here…”)

    Wish I had better news to report.

  • I began blogging believing that content was king and that consistently producing quality content was the key to securing a readership. That was six months ago and as they say: “You’ve come a long way baby”.
    Here’s an example. You can secure a readership based on common interest like photos of big breasted east Indian women and write not a single word of text. I’ve seen a blog like this rise to the top posts and the top blogs position over and over again with the posting of a new photo. You don’t need to answer your comments to hold your top position either. The blogger I observed gets lots of “meaningful” comments saying “send me sex photo of Tamil actress to my email” and never replies to them on the blog. This is why I believe that raincoaster is right – sadly, quality of content counts for nothing. It seems finding an exciting and titlating subject and repeatedly stroking it will put you on top and keep you there until the meme dies.

  • We sound so bitter we really should be in a dive bar crying into our beers together.

    Looking at the top blogs in the world, you can see that the meme is king; linkblogs rule. Next come newsy blogs that speak to things people feel passionately about, such as politics and technology.

    All the blogs about the recent university demonstrations went straight to the top of Top Blogs and Top Posts, and they’ve almost entirely vanished because their moment is over. They ran their course; it was only one meme.

    I’d advise people to be very clear about why they want more hits, and then they can choose different, more customized ways of increasing them.

  • Umm…

    What exactly is a “meme”?

    I didn’t find in the WordPress Glossary.

  • I thought it was what my ex mother in law kept saying. :)


  • The content does matter. Most of the blogs that are popular are those who help people in some way. There are a few which ‘entertain’ but these cannot usually be sustained. Ofcourse it depends on what kind of hits you are looking for and why.

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