How to generate traffic to your blog

  • Designergrl in this thread wonders how one generates traffic for a blog. I’m starting this thread so that we can bounce ideas off of one another. I’ll list mine shortly (I’m in the middle of Drupal upgrades over here) but I’m sure some of you have ideas that you would like to share. Feel free to post. I’ll probably do up a FAQ later this weekend.

    Note that I’ll remove the illegal stuff. Anyone who suggests spamming the entire planet gets their email address forwarded to some spammers I know. :)


  • Firstly, visit other blogs and leave comments.
    Secondly, participate in these forums.
    Thirdly, technorati (other other tagging service) your posts. Don’t rely upon the category tags.

    How’s that for a start?

  • Ok, I searched and couldn’t find. How do we add one of those technorati, um things to our blogs ?

    Also, sometimes when I navigate via the
    “Next blog”…I come across quite a lot of sites that have some of their text that looks like up-ended boxes….this concerns me, or should it. It’s not a virus or something ? Also, can one pick up a virus just by visiting the blogs here ?


  • designergrl: you would add your blog to technorati by going to, create and account and claim your blog. I believe that all blogs are indexed by Technorati already. I typed in a search for “designergrl” and found posts from your blog.

    The virus looking things are just language sets your computer isn’t configured to see (Korean, Chinese, etc)

    I echo the “visit other blogs and comment” recommendation. Comments are really the thing that holds the blogoverse together. It’s important, however, not to just go out and comment for the sake of being seen – you need to add to the discussion somehow.

    It’s also a good idea to link to other people’s posts – they see you as a referrer and may feel inclined to link to you. The same goes for adding blogs you like to your blogroll.

    You can also try to get your blog noticed/linked to by something like

    Good luck!

    -farlane aka andrew mcfarlane

    PS: Visit my blog!

  • I use Oddiophile’s tag bookmarklet to generate Technorati tags. It is described here.

    You type any topic you think applies to your entry into the bookmarklet and it makes a little piece of html that you can cut and paste into your post. Make sure that your are in html mode when you do.

    If you write about news stories then try to find them in the Washington Post. The Post will link your blog to its story. When I comment on a reasonably popular story, I can see the extra hits. However, on a very popular story they might link 50 blogs. You can get buried down int he list and not get any traffic.

  • When leaving comments on other people’s blogs, please don’t spam. You should leave a comment that is truly value-add and boosts the content of the article. Don’t post just to leave your link. Good blogosphere citizenship, and all…

  • Ok, I signed up and everything…where do I add the code ? I put it in a link and I think that is wrong, so nowwhat ?


  • Ok, I searched and couldn’t find. How do we add one of those technorati, um things to our blogs ?

    A Comsuming Experiance also has a Technorati bookmarklet. He/she also offers a tutorial on how to modify Oddiophile’s bookmarklet to accept multiple word tags.

  • Well…I read abit here and I just realized something. When I try and make sense of any of this, and cannot(and beat myself up for it…like trying to learn sign language in Japanese)…I get answers that roll off of yall’s tongue’s like honey…and surely Everyone *should*understand if one reads it long enough-Not!

    Which is why I plead to explain simply and tell me Exactly where to put codes. I know that you are doing a wonderful job offering your knowledge-when you don’t have to. And it Is appreciated. Only don’t Assume I know what you are talking about.

    Now…back to my original question: Where Exactly do I add the code…like do I click onto View at the top and go to Source ? And if so…where in the code do I put the
    Technorati code ? Or do I add it somewhere else on my blog, starting with my Dashboard page ?

    Shoot, I’m tired.


  • OK. Calm down. You know, you don’t have to do any of this technorati and affiliate linking stuff right now. Just post regularly and put your posts in appropriate categories. Read other people’s blogs, and comment on them when you have something to say.

    When you’re comfortable with that, you’ll figure out tagging bookmarklets and sidebar widgets and all the other extras. Or by that time you might be so involved in actually blogging that you won’t care about that stuff anymore. Just relax, enjoy it, and don’t try to run before you can walk.

  • I don’t see my blog in the technocrati search :(

  • For the record, I don’t use the T. tags and rely on the category tags. T. still picks me up fine.

    I was reminded that one of my clients did a “class” on this very subject in my support forum. I’m trying to copy over his opening lecture but he’s rather protective on his writings.

    Vivian, I went ahead and requested an update for your blog with T. Just a quick note that if you didn’t know, you have someone who likes blogging about your blog. :)

    I’m taking today off. I’ll follow up on this thread Sunday.

  • I must admit that I started to use the T Tags in my posts.

    One day I forgot and I haven’t bothered since…

    Lorelle has a tutorial on how to use T tags in posts…

  • if you are not seeing your posts on technorati, you can always manually ping them by going here:

    add your url and they should pick up your site pretty quickly.

    and if don’t want to manually add tags, you can use a blog editor like qumana. there’s an easy ‘add a tag’ feature that i find very helpful.

  • Technocrati offers a good Help section on post-tagging at

    This excerpt applies to blogs:
    “If your blog software supports categories and RSS/Atom feeds (like Movable Type, WordPress, TypePad, Blogware, Radio), just use the included category system and make sure you are publishing RSS/Atom feeds and your categories will be read as tags.”

    Mine shows up just fine – once you log in, you can click on your profile to view the tags that it’s registered. The larger the font of the tag, the more posts you have made under that category.

  • Hi guys
    My name is Dave and I live in the UK, actually on a valley wall in the depths of Wales.

    We are picking up a RSS feed FROM our Article Directory, and FEEDING our Blog. However the Tags are not being picked up and posted either on the blog, or to the bookmarking sites.
    We want to have tags, specific to our niche blogs , auto-added to each incoming article, from the Article Directory, into our blog via the RSS feed.
    Is this feasible? Is there a Plug-In for this anywhere? If not, is there an alternative?
    Any help and or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers guys

  • @daibach195
    OOPS! I thought you were in the wrong forum but I can tell you weren’t by drmike’s response- sorry. Happy blogging! :)

  • What about putting your blog into the search engines? I’m new to the enitre blogging world, but I’ve been reading up like crazy, and isn’t there a way to put meta? tags on your web page? Is that what technorati does?

    I’ve signed up with them, but what about getting into Yahoo and Google, etc?

  • Yahoo and Google should pick up your blog fine after a few weeks. The wait is normal. It won’t happen over night.

    Meta tags are pretty much useless now a days. Don’t worry about them.

    For information about the Tech. site, please go read it. :)

    Tag are just the categories you use to tag your posts. Make sure that you categorize it well with specific categories instead of just general ones. Tech. reads those categories to categorize your site. So do the search spiders.

    I wrote a few months ago an article on getting folks to your blog. You can read it over at

    Hope this helps.

  • So, you are saying that after a few weeks all this will naturally occur? I’ve put up three posts on my blog, and I’m waiting to see if this is worth it, if there’ll be enough traffic for me to keep this up. Does that seem like a logical strategy, or should I be doing something else?

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