How to format documents from Mircosoft Word onto my WordPress blog

  • I’ve recently been introduced to WordPress and I found out that the description and text boxes are identically the same as Facebook’s, where you can’t properly format it with tabs or proper spacing. I know there are a series of inputs to properly format the text, but is there a way to do this much more easily? For instance: I take a document from Microsoft Word that I have already typed and I want to copy it into the WordPress text box and have it displayed exactly how it is in Microsoft Word, with all the tabs and single spaces. It doesn’t do that unfortunately, so can someone offer me some advice? Please and thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • First, understand the difference between using word processors and formatting documents for the web.

    MS Word adds highly excessive code for some reason. I believe it has a Web Publishing option, but I stopped using Word so long ago I forgot how to trigger it.

    Try using something like Windows Live Writer or any number of other products for web creation.

    Also, based on the tags you’ve added to this thread, you might want to read up on tag spamming.

  • I tried the MS Word make a blog post option a few months ago and really did not like the way it works at all.

    You can Paste from MS Word if you paste using the Paste from Word option box – it is the funny looking box with the “W” in it on the second line of your editor functions just above the text box – that should strip out the bad stuff – I have only used it a couple of times and can’t remember how much of the formatting it keeps

  • If you like Word, then use Windows Live Writer. It’s from the same company, and works similarly without all the technical problems.

  • ^ Have either of you used OpenOffice or LibreOffice? Do they add the same type of code Word does?

    I use them, but not for this type of thing.

  • @notawoodpecker, thank you for the input. I’m fairly new to the whole tag spamming thing and I’m still trying to come to grips with it. But yes I will check into Windows Live Writer if I run across it. The current version of Word that I use has a Web Publishing option I believe, so I’ll check into that as well.

  • Note: there is a big difference between publishing a web page and a blog post – yes both go on the web but the code is very different

    I have used Windows Live Writer in the past and it worked well.

  • I have used both, and yes, they do.

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