how to find the name server of my site

  • How do I find the nameservers on my site?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, minefieldpodcast!

    You can access your Domain information on your Domains Page. If your account manages multiple sites, just click the site you want to dig deeper into, and then select the URL you want to investigate. You’ll see a link called “Name servers and DNS” which should get you closer to the inf you are looking for.

    More info can be found here: WordPress Support: Custom DNS.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks neverbenn! I almost got to that point, but I don’t see a link called “Name servers and DNS” on the page. I just see “Type,” “Renews on,” and “Change site address,” none of which are links. I’m not paying for a plan, so maybe it’s related to that, but I would have thought your directions would still work.

  • Ah, that makes sense! May I ask what you’re hoping to do with the name server information? That’ll help me help you better. :)

    Perhaps you purchased a domain elsewhere and want it to point to your site? If this is the case, check out this page in the support docs: WordPress Support: Use a Domain You Already Own (Domain Mapping) (It’s pretty straightforward but there is a fee for this service).

    The main name servers are,, and

    If none of this helps, let me know what you’re trying to do and I’ll do my best to help!

  • I am hoping to point a domain I purchased to my wordpress site. I’ve already successfully done it with the help of, but they seemed to have trouble this time around. I’ll try with those three name servers – hopefully it works!

  • Regardless, you may need a paid plan of some sort, or will have to pay solely for the Domain Mapping feature.

    From the “Use a Domain…” support doc linked above:

    …If you prefer to keep your domain and site at different providers, you also have the option to “map” your existing domain to your site. You will need an upgraded plan on your site in order to map a domain. Each paid plan comes with a free domain credit you can use to either register a new domain, or transfer one you already own, and then you can map as many additional domains to the same site as you want at no additional cost.

    I’m admittely no expert, but it looks like changing the name servers might be only one part of the process. If I’m understanding correctly, you have two options:
    1. Transfer the domain to WordPress, and manage your site and your domain through
    2. Map your domain to WordPress, which would require a paid plan or a domain mapping fee

    …both of which have a small fee associated with them.

  • I actually just worked it out by asking to point my domain to the wordpress site, and it worked. Looks like they didn’t actually need the name server. Thanks for your help!

  • Ah, see? You didn’t need me after all :)

    Glad it’s working! Have a great night.

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