How to change currency when purchasing a plan

  • Hey! I’m trying to purchase a personal plan, but the currency is in INR rather than CAD. How can I change the currency so I can pay in CAD? Many thanks! The blog I need help with is:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’ve changed your account currency to CAD. :)

    Would you like to tell us a bit about the site you’re building? What’s the site for, and what features do you need on your site? This will help us learn more about your site goals and share personalized suggestions with you.

    If this is your first time building a site and you’d like us to build it for you, you can also check out our website design service, Built by and Built by Express.


  • Thank you for reaching out and expressing interest in the site I’m building. I appreciate your willingness to offer personalized suggestions, The site I’m building is intended to serve as a platform for sharing my passion for book reviews for a wider audience. I’m hoping to include features such as a blog, photo gallery, and e-commerce functionality to sell AI generated images as well as e-books.

    While I’m excited to build the site myself, I will definitely keep your design services in mind for future projects. Thank you for your help in changing the currency of payment.

  • Yes, of course! We want you to be successful with your goals for this project.

    There are many ways to expand your audience with the content you create here on We have built in SEO tools, and top notch hosting to start. You can also integrate your site/blog here with social media to expand your reach. Take a look at these guides.

    Getting More Views and Traffic
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    One of the most frequent questions our community members ask us — and themselves — is how to get more people to visit their site. There’s no magic formula, but there are ways to increase your website traffic with a few tools and best practices. Help Search Engines Find Your Site If you want your content to be indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing, set your priva
    5 min read
    At the bottom of each post and page, you can include sharing buttons for your readers to share your content across a range of social networks and services. Table of Contents Customize Sharing OptionsDisplay Likes and Sharing ButtonsCustomize Your ServicesCustomizing Sharing SettingsDisabling Sharing / Likes On Specific PostsTroubleshooting Watch the video below for a quick overview of how

    Once you are feeling more comfortable and ready to move on, I’d then consider investing in to an advanced hosting plan. This would give you the ability to sell products from the site, manage your own ad network, and use additional plugins to fine tune your SEO.

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