How several people can post on one blog

  • We wanted to have several people be able to post onto one blog, so each of us created our own account, and each person was given “Contributer” status. For some reason, nobody is able to put their posts onto the main blog, but only their own blog. Do I have to give them the password for the main blog? Is there any way to post directly onto the main blog from their own blog?

  • The blog linked from your name has only you as the user.

    Scroll down on the Authors and Users page and where it has ‘Add User from Community’ enter the usernames of the people you need.
    That any good?

  • Yup, I already did that. I added everyone’s names under ‘Add User from Community’ and gave each of them ‘Contributor’ status. But for some reason, they can’t post anything to the blog.

  • Just an update on what’s going… We discovered that whenever someone tried to post something, the option “Publish” was not available, but only “Save” or “Save and Edit.” So, after one person saves their post as a draft, it needs to be published by the main blog site. Isn’t there any way for each person to publish directly to the main blog from their own blog?

  • Why not increase their status inside the blog?

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