How do make my header image link back to my homepage?

  • Hi! I’m sorry, I really did make a good faith effort to google this before I came crying to you for help, but I really am stumped. I could have sworn my header image always linked back to my blog’s homepage. Now, it seems it does not. I’d like it to, and I just am not finding anywhere that I can do this. Somewhere I did find a box to check to show a “home” link at the top of my page, which I enabled, but it would be so much cleaner and more attractive if I could ditch that and just have the header image route there. Again, I thought I remembered this always being the case, did I imagine that?!

    PS, are you aware that Bend it Like Becker is the internet’s best blog that no one’s reading?! Could you throw a starving artist a bone and tell your friends on the editorial staff to fresh press me sometime!? There’s a big ol’ fruit basket on its way to WordPress Corporate HQ when that happens.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I suggest you look through the Themes forum for advice on Bueno, which is a now retired theme Do you have the Custom Design upgrade? Have you checked your Theme Options page of the dashboard?

  • On Bueno the blog title is a home link, not the header image. (Usually the header image is a home link when the blog title is inside the header image area).
    But you can create such a link, even without the upgrade. See older reply of mine:

  • Thank you guys– Raincoaster, I don’t have the upgrade thing. And I did check the theme options but nothing.

    Hi Justpi– thanks so much, this is promising! I know I could choose to display the title but stylistically I prefer my image : ) Could I beg you to give me a little extra help as an act of charity??? My question here is: where does the text widget with that code go? If I go into my widgets, it’s only letting me place things on the sidebar or on the footer. I am so confused as to how to edit the header. (And when I go into the actual header menu, I don’t see any where it lets me put in code).

    Thank you so much both for responding– I am SO CLUELESS as to this stuff, but am trying to learn!

  • You just paste the code into an untitled text widget in your sidebar. The widget and code itself won’t show, but the code will do its work.

  • omg. it worked. thank you thank you thank you everyone!! Really appreciate the help with my cluelessness!!!!

  • You’re welcome.
    To perfect the vertical positioning of the link, turn the 119 to 150, and turn the 180 to 208.

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