How do I upload iPhoto videos?

  • How do I upload videos from iPhoto onto my blog? I have checked and it seems that all you can do is upload from Youtube, Vimeo, etc. But not with iPhoto! Is there a way that I can move my iPhoto video to the blog, either playing it there or opening in another page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there!

    If you’d like to upload your videos, and host them on your site, you do need VideoPress. Here is information about this feature:

    If you don’t wish to upgrade, you can certainly add your videos to a free service (like YouTube or Vimeo, as you mentioned) and then embed them on your site.

    Here’s more information about using video on

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks much!

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