How Do I Unattach Image from Page?

  • I uploaded a test image to the Media library. It showed as “Unattached” to any page. Just for experiment, I attached it to the “About” page. Now I don’t find any way to move it back to Unattached state. How do I do that?

    What does it even mean for the image to be “Attached” to a specific page? When I go to the About page, I don’t see any link to the image.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If the image has been deleted form the About page and is still in the Media Library but is not embedded into any other post or page then it’s unattached.

  • The image was never on the About page in the first place. I uploaded the image to the Media Library and it initially showed as unattached. I then selected that link and the only page that existed was About and I selected that. Now it shows as belonging to About. But when I open About page I don’t see the image.

    So it’s pretty confusing what seeing the image linked to About even means, let alone how to get it back to default state.

  • The way handles images has changed over the past few years.

    When I began blogging five or six years ago, an image had to be attached to a page in order to be included in a gallery, and later in a slideshow. One could include images attached to other posts, or exclude images attached to a post from the gallery or slideshow by adding or excluding its image attachment ID.

    That still works, for older posts. (and I believe current posts using that code, both on and for—needed for some plugins still in use there)

    Note that an image attached to a post did still need to be inserted into that post (or page) in order for it to appear on that post (or page). If you didn’t insert the attached image into your “about” page, then it won’t appear.

    The latest updates to this platform now allow you to choose any photos in your media library for a gallery or slideshow. They do not need to be attached to a specific post or page, and you no longer must find the image attachment ID to include or exclude them from galleries and slideshows.

    The only way to un-attach an image from a post (or page) is to delete it from the media library, then upload it directly to the media library with a new name. Note that if you don’t give it a new name, then will automatically assign an additional number to the re-uploaded image—better to give it a name you choose. For example: image named ab123 will automatically be renamed ab1231.

    If you wait long enough (I don’t know how long), it will eventually be cleared from all the servers so won’t add the extra number…

  • I had more or less concluded that I was going to need to delete the file. Hard to believe they don’t consider that behavior a bug, but okay.

    But you are saying I can never re-upload the file with the same name again? If you re-use the same name it will auto-rename it? That’s kind of awful, assuming you have put thought into filenames and don’t want them changed.

  • @PD66-While this is interesting, why do you need the image to be returned to its “default state,” i.e. unattached? What do you want to do with the image?

  • What does it even mean for the image to be “Attached” to a specific page?

    Normally it means that the image was uploaded from your computer to your blog via the Add Media tool of that page.

    Now I don’t find any way to move it back to Unattached state. How do I do that?

    As Tess explained, you can’t do this directly. And you probably needn’t bother (Jennifer or I will explain).

    If the image has been deleted form the About page and is still in the Media Library but is not embedded into any other post or page then it’s unattached.

    That’s not correct. If the image was uploaded via the Add Media tool of that page, or if it was subsequently attached to that page, it will remain attached (even if you delete it from the page, and even if you never inserted it at all).

    If you wait long enough (I don’t know how long), it will eventually be cleared from all the servers so won’t add the extra number…

    The URLS of images uploaded to your blog have this form:
    blog address/year/month/filename.filetype
    So a new image with the same filename and filetype will get the extra number if you upload it the same month.

  • the same month…
    got it!

  • That’s not correct. If the image was uploaded via the Add Media tool of that page, or if it was subsequently attached to that page, it will remain attached (even if you delete it from the page, and even if you never inserted it at all).

    Holy Guacamole! That’s certainly not intuitive now is it?
    Thanks for the correction.

  • Can someone clarify for me: if I have 50 support images required to build multiple web pages, WordPress requires me to upload 50 media files? If I do this, then WordPress will implicitly create 50 different “pages” whose only content is the media file?

    Am I supposed to just ignore these pages entirely (not set Title, or any other fields on those pages) and then just use the media file by a URL that goes directly to the JPG (or other) image directly?

    How do I make sure I don’t end up with some bizarre media library that has 50 disjointed web pages with weird artifacts on them? Those pages I want to remain invisible, but I definitely do want access to the JPGs I upload from other pages.

    It looks like anyone would be able to find these pages by iterating through the ?attachment_id= arguments on a template URL, so hiding them completely from a knowledgeable person may not even be possible.

  • You can upload unattached media from the Dashboard Media page. You don’t need to be creating pages.

  • raincoaster, from Dashboard I select the Media link. This exposes a submenu named Library, which I select. I upload the new Media.

    But every Media file I upload has a page created for it like:

    Every Media file I upload also has an Edit link and that link lets you specify a Caption, Alternate Text, Title, and Description, and these all appear to be the content displayed on the attachment_id page.

    So I’m not creating pages. appears to be creating all of these pages implicitly, one page per image uploaded. Am I doing something wrong?

  • The page with the image is only “live” while you look at it – WordPress (both .ORG & .COM) are database driven, a Page or Post only exists as you see it while you are viewing it – when you stop looking at a Post or Page it goes away and the information on what to display remains in the database waiting for the next person to view that page

    However some Pages, images & Posts are cached for faster retrieval if they are viewed often

  • It looks like anyone would be able to find these pages by iterating through the ?attachment_id= arguments on a template URL, so hiding them completely from a knowledgeable person may not even be possible.

    Entirely correct.

    What you are talking about is the Attachment page which is created for every media upload.

    I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand from this entire discussion what it is you want to DO with the image that you feel it needs to be unattached. Without that, this is just an esoteric discussion.

    As far as the Dashboard page that opens if you click the Edit button after you UPLOAD an image to the Media Library, that is the Media edit page and you should at least fill in the Title and Alt-Text for your images for accessibility and SEO reasons.

    These fields are also available in the Media Manager if you upload and/or insert directly from a Post or Page via the “Add Media” button.

  • Jennifer, for example I am uploading an image with a signature. I want that image to appear at the bottom of every Post I do. So all I need is a URL that terminates in a JPG filename. I don’t see any reason to require an implicit web page with an attachment_id. I don’t understand should this image be getting uploaded to Media or is it uploaded somewhere else?

    You say to fill in the Title and Alt text for SEO, but those Title and Alt text values only appear on the implicitly created attachment_id page. That attachment_id page isn’t something I was planning on exposing to the outside world through the blog. So how was it Google was going to scan that page in anyway?

    The place I need to specify Title and Alt-Text is on the page where I *use* the image.

  • 1) Load the signature to your Media Library – don’t worry about the ID or anything

    2) Insert the signature image into your Post or Page using the regular tools at the top of the editing box. You will be inserting from the Library – skip the code and ID stuff. Add whatever other things you want to go with the signature image

    3) Since this will be used in every Post – switch to the html editor and copy the html code – save it somewhere (spare Post if you want – then copy the spare Post each time you start a new Post – type once paste many times

  • So all I need is a URL that terminates in a JPG filename

    Not entirely correct. There are options when inserting images, but even just as an image not linking to anything, you have to insert it using the IMG SRC tag. If you do that from the Text Editor, there is a button at the top of the posting box for IMG and then you add the URL of the image.

    Can I make a polite suggestion? Get posting, even test posting! Things will become clearer as you work with the site.

    Best wishes.

  • Jennifer, you supply a URL to the IMG SRC tag. That’s why I said all I need is a URL terminating in a JPG filename. I’m still not clear on whether it is okay to leave Title and Alt-Text BLANK on the Media Library, given that Google shouldn’t see any of those pages anyway?

    I have been creating a test post, and I’m able to make all of this work. That doesn’t answer the above question however.

  • I made that suggestion a week ago.

  • If you insert the image in the post, Google and other search engines will be looking for the Alt-Text on that, not the media attachment page.


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