How do I change the Header Image URL Link?

  • The Header Image I uploaded automatically links to my Blog, I would like the image to link to my web site’s home page. I can’t seem to find where this URL resides, so I can’t change it. Doesn’t seem to make sense to have the Header image (my logo) link to the Blog if you are already on the blog.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • G’evening,
    That’s correct all headers here link to the wordpress.COM sub-domain URL and this cannot be changed. If you wish you can choose a theme that has the custom menu feature. The header will still link to the wordpress.COM sub-domain URL but you can link to your website in the top navigation menu where statid page links are normally found.

    ave you ever wanted to have a different title for one of your pages than the label displayed in your site’s navigation? Ever wanted to change the order of the list of pages to an order you chose yourself? Ever wanted to be able to mix pages, categories, and random links in your navigation instead of your theme deciding for you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in luck! The new custom menus feature will do all those things.

    You can find themes that support menus in Appearance -> Themes by choosing “Custom Menu” from the Feature Filters menu.

    Currently, the following themes have this feature enabled: Twenty Ten, Structure, Vostok, Bueno, Enterprise, Notepad, Paperpunch, MistyLook, Under the Influence, Vigilance, Greyzed, Wu Wei, Blix, Freshy, Contempt, Ambiru, Digg3, Koi, Modularity Lite, Coraline, Oulipo, Ocean Mist, Tarski, Rounded, Albeo, Regulus, Andrea, Inuit Types, K2 Lite, iNove, Fusion, and Spectrum.

    The instrictions for creating a custom menu are found here >
    This post may also be helpful Custom Menus Arrive at

    Best wishes with your blog.

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