How do I add upload image files so I can save it as a background or header?

  • I want to upload an image to save as my background ot header…how do I do that?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Use the image radio button on your text editor or add new media from dashboard > media. You have to know the exact url of the image before applying it as a background. Do you have the CSS paid upgrade and fair knowledge to tinker with? Just asking…

  • I’m pretty new blogger and I’m going crazy trying to upload pics in my blog, but after upload then and attached to a post, it just the post what comes out without the pic..
    The reason i want it a blog, mainly was to show my pics while i’m traveling and comment on then so everyone could follow my trip much more realistically..
    Is there anyone who can tell me how to do it?

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