How can I use a domain I have with Yahoo for WordPress without sacrificing SEO?

  • I am currently using the domain name ‘’ for my website. The domain is hosted on Yahoo and is set to be forwarded to the website that is on WordPress ( I recently learned that masked forwarding and redirecting in general from Yahoo specifically can affect SEO rankings. Is there anyway that I can cancel the domain on yahoo and be sure that I can get the same domain name again in WordPress? And if not, is there a way to overcome the SEO issue?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I wouldn’t recommend canceling the domain on Yahoo — you’ll risk losing the domain and it might not be available right away to register again here. Instead, you can map (point) the domain to That’s different from using masked forwarding; it more directly links your domain to your site here.

    We have a guide to Map an Existing Domain with the exact steps for pointing your domain to There are two main steps:

    1. Add the domain to your site from the Domains page.

    2. Update your domain’s name servers to point to


    That second step is done with your domain registrar, where you purchased the domain. If you purchased the domain from Yahoo you can follow their guide to Changing domain name servers to do that.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about that. :)

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