How can I set-up each page to have individual posts?

  • So my current wordpress site has multiple pages. The majority of them only requiring the single-post style provided.

    e.g. About, Social, Contact etc. just need the single page to provide readers with the info on each page.

    The home page obviously works as a stream of posts
    However, there is a page “Fictional” and a page to be added that will feature all of our interviews. In my mind these pages were going to have a stream, identical to the Home page that feature the page specific posts. E.g. Fictional would have any fictional stories we’ve written where as Interviews would have each interview post we’ve done in one easy to scroll page.

    Can this be done?

    A colleague that put together one of our company blogs on wordpress said he used Categories as pages. This method 100% achieves what I want for my own site but at the same time, we have loads of categories and this would create a mess of pages.

    Help please!

    Love x

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your colleague is correct. You cannot put posts on a page, but you assign categories to posts, then use category links as tabs on a custom navigation menu.

    You do not need to use all of your categories in the navigation. Just use the categories you want to appear as pages: “Fictional” and “Interviews.”

    Here are details about doing this in this excellent article:

    “Posts on pages”

  • Awesome, thanks for such a speedy response.

    Can you host both categories & pages as navigation? Appearing to visitors as all the same thing i.e. pages?

  • You file the appropriate posts under a “Fictional” category, and you add that category to a custom menu you will create. For details on custom menus see this post of mine:

    By the way, you’ve got some redundancies in your cats and tags, and that’s wrong. Never use the same word or phrase as both a category and a tag: there’s absolutely no point doing this, plus you may run into technical problems when you do it. You should check for all these cases, decide if you want each one as a category or a tag and delete the useless duplicate.

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