How can I remove a blog from my account when the dashboard can't be accessed?

  • While learning WordPress, I installed and tinkered with multiple installations (note: self-installs) in various locations on my website. Since that time, all but one have been deleted. My issue is that I want to remove the now inaccesible blogs from my WordPress account.

    Perhaps this will help. Note that there are 4 blogs listed under my account on the drop down, but none on the page itself, under “My Blogs”.

    Am I missing something obvious? Please point me in the right direction. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The blog you specified at does not appear to be hosted at

    This support forum is for blogs hosted at If your question is about a self-hosted WordPress blog then you’ll find help at the forums.

    If you don’t understand the difference between and, you may find this information helpful.

    If you forgot to include a link to your blog, you can reply and include it below. It’ll help people to answer your question.

    This is an automated message.

  • The only operational blog I have right now is this one.

  • The topic ‘How can I remove a blog from my account when the dashboard can't be accessed?’ is closed to new replies.