How can I make sure the last post is posted…?

  • Hi, how can I make sure the last post is posted under this year and month? So I don’t need to go back and update every month, because that so annoying.

    BR, Mia-Simone,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    You can edit the post and change its date of publication. Here’s how to do this.

    By default, when you create a new post, it will have the current date and time, so it’s published with the current date and time when you hit the publish button. However, by following the steps here, you can backdate or schedule and reschedule a post to any date and time you prefer.

    Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.

  • Hi, yes i know that. Maybe I was tired and didn’t describe it well enough… my fault.

    When I have written a post I want it to ebd up under for example “November” under my the category “November under 2023” automaticly which it doesn’t now.

    Thanks 😉

  • Hi there,

    To be sure I’ve understood, you are referring to the menu you’ve created manually in your sidebar here?

    Or are you trying to change the order that posts appear on your category pages such as this one?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hi.

    Yes, that’s what I mean. I would like to know how the post I am going to post ends up under the manually in my sidebar.

  • There is not a way to add posts there automatically because menus were intended to help you organize pages on your site and were not created with a mechanism to list blog posts.

    Pages vs. Posts
    2 min read
    Pages and posts both display content on your site, but are used for different purposes. This guide explains the differences between a page and a post on your site. Pages A website uses pages to display content – Home, About, and Contact are common examples of pages. Pages are static i.e., they are not associated with a date or time. They are permanent fixtures of your site fo

    WordPress automatically creates archive pages for you, like the one you see here:

    Typically what we recommend is that you add links in your menu to the archive pages that WordPress already manages. For example you could link your ‘2021’ menu tab to the page I linked above. This would mean that you no longer need to set up a manual dropdown of your posts, you can just direct people to land on that page, where they can scroll and see the full posts for themselves.

    The nice thing about archive pages is that they are filled by WordPress automatically. The same is true of category pages like this one:

    You can see that for every post you add the category of “Creative” to, it’s added to that page automatically. By sending people to that page you can save yourself the work of creating dropdowns manually as you are doing now.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • I tryed to add a page I made and didn’t understand how it would work so I dropped it and now I don’t know how to delete it 🤪.

    Where do I find those automaticly links wordpress create? Are they just conacted to the category or to tags too?

  • Hey there,

    Once the post is deleted, it will no longer appear in any of the automatically generated pages such as the category pages. You can delete the post from the posts page by visiting Posts > All Posts and selecting the Menu (three dots) next to the post you wish to delete and choosing Trash.

    Delete a Page or Post
    3 min read
    You can send content (like pages and posts) to the Trash if you no longer want it. This guide will show you how to move content to the trash, restore it from the trash, and delete content permanently. Move a Page or Post to Trash To delete a piece of content from your site, follow these steps: Visit your dashboard. Click on Pages on the left side (or Posts, Portfolio, or Testimoni

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi, where do I find the automatic links?

  • Hi @miasimonesvenberg, my colleague sent some of them above, like these:

    There’s also an option to generate a list of archives by month or by year. It won’t list individual posts or do fancy drop downs like you have right now, but when you click on each year (or month, if you set it up that way) you’ll see a list of posts. That could work better for your mobile users, too, since navigating drop-downs on a phone is hard.

    Want to try adding it as a widget to see if it will work for you?

    Blocks (The Full List) » Archives Block
    2 min read
    The Archives block displays a date archive of your posts. You can use the Archives block to organize your previously published posts by year, month, week, or day. This can be handy for readers who want to browse your older content. Add the Archives Block To add the Archives block, click on the + Block Inserter icon and search for “archives”. Click it to add the block to the post or page.
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