Home Page

  • Hi @mdamav , be sure you’re using the same templates, and if you’re using wide blocks on the home page, you can use them on that page too as you’d like. Right now I just see a blank page linked in the menu. Is that the right one?

  • Also: I noticed this request is wrapping into a second page, and the topic title is no longer relevant. Would you be willing to create a new request if you need more help with this second page? Thanks in advance!

  • The disparate templets was my guess too. How do I match the second page to the first one? If I solve this, there won’t be a need to create a new request.

    Thanks lots….

  • Actually, I just checked both pages templates and both are “page” but the second page that is blank is smaller in margins including paragraphs and images. Would creating a new request help me resolve this?


  • Hey there,

    To check are you referring to https://mythicdamavand.wordpress.com/%da%af%d8%a7%d9%87%d9%86%d8%a7%d9%85%d9%87-%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a7%d9%88%d9%86%d8%af-2/? The reason being is that I don’t see any content on this page.

  • You were right, so I added a text to test and to explain the issue as well.


  • Hi there,

    For context, here is the text you added on that page:

    As you can see, the margins on this page, which is a part of the same site, are smaller than the first page. Both themes and templates are the same, at least templates are. Because of that, pics are also smaller.

    By default the template your site uses for pages has a constrained width in the content area. That is why text entered directly into the page is not full-width. The reason the content on your homepage is full width is because you added a Group Block to the page (so you could add a background color?) and in the settings for the group block you made it display as full-width. This means that any block you add inside the group block adopts this new setting, and it overrides the normally much narrower size that you see by default.

    If you wish you can edit the template directly however, to make text wider without the need to add a group block. This is difficult to explain in words but you can see how to edit the width of the content area directly in the template. Video at this link

    You can see in the video that I set the max-width to 1000px, then 1200px. You can set this to any number you wish, so you may want to experiment. You may have a larger screen than me so you can see the changes easier.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Did it, and my original page was 1200, so I replicated that for the second page. Also, in the media section, I see 2.3 percent of my 1 gig used. Is this for the pics used only or for the entire site?

    I just don’t know how to appreciate your supreme support. A

  • Did it, and my original page was 1200, so I replicated that for the second page.

    Outstanding. The page is looking great!

    Also, in the media section, I see 2.3 percent of my 1 gig used. Is this for the pics used only or for the entire site?

    Great question. The percentage of the total storage space you see there is for the media you have uploaded to your site so far.

  • Thanks you! “The percentage of the total storage space you see there is for the media you have uploaded to your site so far.” So, if I am getting 1gig for media, how much my total allowance for the entire site is? And, where do I locate that one?

    As always many thanks!

  • We don’t account for “total site size” – just your media. All free WordPress.com sites come with 1 GB of space for uploaded files and images. If you run out of space or would like to upload other types of files, such as audio or video, you would need to upgrade to a paid WordPress.com plan.

    Adding Storage Space
    4 min read
    All free WordPress.com sites come with 1 GB of space for uploaded files and images. If you run out of space or would like to upload other types of files, such as audio or video, you might consider upgrading to a paid WordPress.com plan. Add Storage SpaceHow Much Storage Space Do I Need?Check Storage Space UsageRemove Unused Files to Increase Available Storage SpaceFrequently Asked Questions

    I hope that clarifies things!

  • hi…Is it possible to disable the right-click on the entire site? Thanks!

  • Hi @mdamav I see that we’ve already answered your latest question in the other thread. Please reply there if you have more questions about this.


  • The topic ‘Home Page’ is closed to new replies.