Hi I have 2 accounts one is username cla

  • Hi I have 2 accounts one is username claudecorry1 and the other is claudecorry2 I am really confused as to what URL Im suppose to put in the WEB ADRESS FIELD. My account claudecorry1 has got – https://thebluesguitarist.net in this field and claudecorry2 has got this URL site – http://claudecorrys.wordpress.com – This is a WP.com site that I created many years ago and did not know what I was doing then and have never gone back to it and have created 5 of my own WP sites since on my own hosting. Can I put in any site in the WEB ADRESS FIELD or does it have to be a wordpress site? Can I put in that field this following site which is not a WP site its some other model. The site is https://guitarshophere.com

    Also I am not sure what to put in the primary domain field and how do I delete the one thats in this field already. I can’t see any delete commend for the primary domain field.

  • Hi there,

    The Web Address field in your profile is the website where you want your username to link if, for example, you comment on someone’s site. It can be literally any website you want, and it doesn’t have to be a WordPress site at all – you can link to your twenty-year-old MySpace profile there if you really wanted to :)

    If you want your sites to be listed on your WordPress.com account so you can access them via the My Sites dashboard, then you’ll need to install the Jetpack plugin on each site, and connect it to whichever WordPress.com account you’d like to use. Those sites will then be listed in the drop-down where you can select a primary site – that determines which site connected to your account is selected by default when you click the New Post button in the admin bar, the Reblog button on a site, the Share option in the Reader, etc.

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