Help/Consultancy for updating my wordpress website

  • Hi All,

    2 years ago I had my small company website ( ) made by a consultant.

    Now he is not anymore involved in this business and can’t help me with some maintenance on that and I have no other contacts to local wordpress expert. I need to update the website loading new media and correcting/integrating some parts of the text.

    I (partly) succeeded uploading some fresh pictures, but I’m missing some “finesses” to keep the decently professional look of before.

    There is somebody in this group willing to guide me through this process? The goal is to help me becoming skilled enough to update all the contents by myself before the next complete redesign which may happen in 1-3 years.

    I’m prepared to pay a (reasonable) consultancy fee for that

    I apologize in advance if this is not the correct place for such a request and will post it again where it ‘d be more opportune


    Max Ghirardi

  • Hi Max,

    You may be better off googling “WordPress Assistance” or “WordPress Consultant” for paid help otherwise try being more specific in what you want to achieve on the forums. Most of the time someone will be able to help you if you have a specific question.

    You will however need to head to the support forums for help as and are different.

    Read about the difference here: Essentially .org is self-hosted and .com is not.

    Good luck!

  • Hi mjrmo,

    thanks for the google hints and for redirecting me to the .org forum.



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