Help! Images not replicating across servers

  • Some more info on my image problem. Of the 7 WP servers returned when I do nslookup on, only three of them actually contain my images. This means most of my visitors are seeing broken images (which are a large part of my blog!!).

    I don’t know how the syncing works, but clearly something is broken. Below is a list of the servers, and which ones contain my images. If someone can look into this and let me know what’s happening, I’ll be very grateful.


    An update on my image problem. Only 3 of the 7 wordpress servers have copies of my images. This means 4 in 7 people are seeing my blog with broken images. Below is a list of the servers, and which contain my images. Can something check how these are syncing? Does not contain images Does not contain images Does not contain images Does not contain images Contains images Contains images Contains images

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